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I barely maintained stable ground until finally I hit one of the shelves that eventually led into me stumbling onto one of the books that fell on the floor. I lost my balance and the grip on the books and fell.

Instead of feeling the impact of the hard tiled floor for the second time today, a large pair of muscular arms secured my waist and brought me up to pull me into a hard chest. The loud pounding of my heart filled my ears at the sudden surge of adrenaline in my body with the rush of falling. Whoever was holding me kept the grip tight almost giving me the feeling that he did not want to let me go.

I was in a library? I looked around an immediately recognized the ugly brown stain on the ceiling. This was indeed the school library. My eyes locked onto familiar intense blue ones and I wanted to cry out in joy. It was Felix. He found me.

I threw my arms around him and embraced him but he flinched away almost immediately. His eyes seemed conflicted as he bacled away from me almost terrified.


The look he gave me was one I thought we had erased a long time ago. It was a look that destroyed everything I was from the inside out. His glare and harsh turn to avoid my presemce showed me a Felix I wished to forget ever existed.

The Felix that rejected me.

The bell rung yet again signalling the end of class. After everyone cleared out I stood up to leave when a hand on my shoulder turned me around. I was taken aback by familiar blue orbs. He was in my maths class too how did I not notice?

"Are you okay?" he asked me looking at me with an unexpected worry etched on his face. Okay...

"Yah..." I said quietly nodding almost to myself, "I am alright just not in the mood that's all." I said quickly and turned to leave.

"I tried calling you last night but you didn't pick up. It was about the essay." I heard him say behind me.

"We need your seal of approval." he stated with a playful tone in his tone. I sighed and brushed off the heavy grief in my heart that was weighing me down. I barely even noticed the new lightness in his tone.

I gasped at the change of scenery. It was Felix again. This time he looked different. His eyes were brighter and he genuinely was interested in talking to me. My mind was barely registering what was going on until a horde of jocks charged through the hall where we were standing and he got bumped into me. When his fingers brushed mine, I felt ...sparks.

AND that is when it hit me.

I was in a past memory. The distant sound of the bell. Felix also walking me to class and the fact that when he looked at me, I saw the same conflict like the last time, I knew this was some sort of memory.

Then the scene changed again.

"Crystal, wait...'Amy called, "Luke and I are going out later wanna join?" she offered. I know she desperately wanted me to tell her what has been going on. I don't want to worry her with my problems and from the irritated look on Luke's face I know he doesn't want me hanging around while he takes her on a date.

'Maybe another time okay?"

I remember this one very clearly. My heart started to beat un controllably as I continued to find my locker. I wanted to stop turn around and decide to take Amy up on that offer but I couldn't. My feet were fixed on motion like someone had pressed a button. I found myself at that locker. I felt the cold breeze of the black blur that had passed me. This time I didn't flinch when the knife came.

I did not cry out in a silent dream as I dropped to the floor. The wound was as painful as it was then. I could hardly breathe and of course keeping my eyes open was very difficult.

Then something unsual happened. Maybe it was because I was too out of it to remember at the time but Felix. Blake and Jordan were running to me. Felix being the first to drop to his knees in a pool of my blood and cradle me to his knees.

His face was pale and his eyes darker almost black and he was crying. I wanted to comfort him and tell him that this all was some sick slide show of my past misfortune. My voice had been stuck in my throat though.

"H-Hold on o-okay," His voice broke as he stroked my hair, "Everything will be alroght. I-I p-promise." He said.

Blake was making a call while Jordan analysed the scene. My eyes were getting heavy at this point where I wanted to observe further.

"Y-You a-are g-going to be okay because you are mine," Felix added strongly, "No one not even he will take you away from me."

Then everything went dark.

Did he know my fate? Who was the 'he'? Was I a target for him all along all the way from the beginning?

The scene went onto the hospital where I was unconscious. Unlike the other times where I lived the memory, this time I could see myself lying in the bed with tubes coming out of different places on my body. I was really pale and lifeless. I had looked really terrible back then.

There was no one in the room besides unconscious me and...conscious me. My lips were very dry, I noticed.

"And you did die that day."

I gasped turning around to see Mr Captor standing in the door frame of the room. He must have noticed the confused look on my face. He walked in closer and stared at the unconscious version of me from the other side of the bed.

"That day," He repeated, "You did die."

He sighed in frustration and muttered something to the heavens before settling his eyes back on me.

"That attack was not an accident. People like you are not allowed to live in this world," He explained, "You were meant to die the day you were born but you seem to be a very lucky girl."

He gestured to the tubes coming out of the body, "On the floor of that mediocre high school of yours, you died in the arms of that mutt. The way it was supposed to be."

"The bond is a strange thing," He hummed.

My eyes blurred for a second thinking back to the moment I thought I had overcome. Here I was standing in a memory of my past in front of a man so pale, the moon would be jealous listening to him tell me, that THAT was the last day of my life. At least that is what it was supposed to be.

He grabbed my hand and we jumped back to the school hallway where I lay bleeding in the arms of a distraught Felix. My eyes barely opened had registered the strong intensity in his eyes and wondered how a guy I had barely met looked at me so fondly.

The lights went out and I gasped but a hand smothered it. I felt myself split into two. Part of me was laying on the ground in Felix's lap feeling the warmness of his hold and the other part stood barely registering what was happening in the darkness. My abdomen was aching as expected from where the knife penetrated. My breath got shallower and quicker that it became painful to try. My eyes were stinging with unshed tears. Even though I couldn't see Felix , I felt him tighten his hold on me.

The last bit of air I could hold on to left me and everything I could feel started to disappear like it hadn't existed. The warmth of Felix vanished and what I had felt of his hands on my skin seemed invisible. The second part of me that was watching this happen choked back on sobs as I heard Felix growl low and sad.

I couldn't believe it. This was how I died.

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