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Margot winced slightly but got steady when little hands held her at her sides. She looked down and found Danny.

"What was that?" he asked, "What just happened?"

Even in the aftermath of what just happened, Danny showed no sign of panic but rather curiosity. What made the entire situation even more comical was that he still plugged his nose and gagged every few seconds, glaring at the filthy floor and bloody walls of the basements.

"No child should be in this situation," he muttered before turning back to Margot, "What just happened?"

Margot opened her mouth to explain when Amy burst through one of the walls from the outside.

"No time to explain," she panted, "we have to stick to the plan."

Margot and Danny followed her out in time to find Zack raining down lightning on the west wing of the building. His hair was buzzed along with the rest of him. His beady eyes didn't stray from their target and every vampire with in that region was zapped to the ground no matter how fast they tried to move.

"New-borns are easy targets," Danny noted and Margot nodded in agreement but screamed bloody murder when a vampire sneaked up behind Zack just in time to grab his neck. Its like everything slowed down at that moment. Watching Zack break open the sky just to burn everything in his path, the dust now polluting the air from the broken stones and bricks left behind and his neck bare and open to attack of the more than excited looking new born vampire that zoomed right behind him.

Very shockingly, behind that vampire was Rachael, yes old WITHERSTONE leader- does not trust Amy- Rachael grabbed the vampire and snapped its neck seconds away from doing the same thing to Zack.

"That was close," Danny whispered in terror.

Amy turned with soft eyes and held his hand, "Come on, let's guard him at his sides since she has his six." She suggested.

Danny gulped but nodded walking up to his right side and taking position. The walls on the shield started narrowing until it was just the mansion and them in it.

This was a mark in history. Sadly one no one would record if none of them made it from there.

Rachael held the ground behind Zach as he drain himself into breaking the foundation of the mansion. Danny portaled through what was left of the building at a pace faster than light itself looking for where the monster was hiding.

Margot guarded Zack at the very front on her knees so as not to block his shot.

And Amy was staring right in the eye of the monster himself. Crystal lay in growing pool of her own blood. Michael's eyes were blood red and he smirked as the room they were in started to shake violently. Zack had reached their corner. Amy took a breath.

"You are not the smartest witch I have ever met," Michael mocked, "and I met Margot."

Staring into the blood red eyes of the monster himself, Amy could see the blood moving in his system, the power moving in his system.

She looked at her limp best friend and back at him brushing away the traitorus tear that flowed down her cheek. The heat from Zack's blast had started to get closer when Michael growled.

"What right do you have destroying everything I built?" He scoffed grabbing her by the neck. She coughed under his hold and struggled until her feet where no longer on the ground.

Her skin tingled under his fingers and he smirked at the tears flowing down her cheeks. The blast came and he lost his grip crashing on his knees. Michael didn't expect to still be whole even after such a huge still on coming blow from a very powerful witch. His clothes were intact and his body barely scratched from impact. He stood to his feet and glared at Zack who stumbled for a bit but still kept his ground forcing all that he had on to the aged vampire who took it all, all without so much as a flinch. The maniac cackled and watched as the boy dropped to his knees, his energy depleting.

"W-w-what i-i-is," Zack tried to ask.

"What is he?" He asked no one in particular as he stared at the monster waiting for the moment he won't be able defend himself any more.

"Zack?" Danny called as his eyes started rolling to the back of his head. Zack collapsed, his body crushing to the ground helplessly as his magic depleted to little shocks and seizures. Michael smirked looking at his own re-energized body.

This was so much better than keeping the vessel alive, he thought.

His eyes focused on the teenage boy who could have killed him if he wasn't so lucky and glared. With his speed he was in front of his collapsed body in seconds. Margot latched onto his leg and dragged him down to her level giving Danny room to portal Zack out of there. Rachael was occupied taking on the remaining vampires who came at her like a swarm of bees with their one sting.

At this point, Amy found an opening. She rubbed her sore neck and got to he feet hurrying to her unconscious friend.

"Please, Please, PLEASE!!!" She cried, "Don't be dead."

She placed a shaky hand on her neck to check her pulse before breaking down into tears.

"Come on, come on come on, come on," she begged, "Come on Dammit!!! Crystal please!!"

There was nothing.

Amy released a choked sob as she backed away from the body and the blood. Every thing she had been working for did not predetermine this moment. She dared to crawl back to her and check her lifeless now grey eyes. Filled with so much terror, they stared back at her unblinking, unmoving and unliving. Amy still couldn't believe it.

She let out a cry.

Her magic blew back pulverised any remaining low ranked vampires that were in a one mile range. Rachael managed to shield herself in time and Margot, still in combat with Michael managed to trick him into being her own shield, making him fall to his knees.

The blast seemed to have weakened whatever power that he had from Crystal's blood and he could feel it. Right before Margot could deliver the final blow, he fled. He fled faster than the eye could see leaving the scene of destruction and failure right behind him.

Rachael looked up at the little witch who was crouched over the vessel in curiosity. She could still hear her cries as she rocked the dead girl back and forth. She sighed feeling sorry for how she met her end. She turned to see Carl just joining in on the part with a questioning gaze and she shook her head pleading with him not to ask.

Margot slumped down to her knees in frustration, hating herself for missing that last shot.

And Crystal.

She was gone.

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