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Anger had clouded her judgement, the alpha noted. Her strikers were careless and she was using up all her energy. He still had enough to continue. The little witch threw her fireball at his head that he swiftly dodges and landed a side kick to her middle. She aimed to slash at him but he swept under her feet swiftly bringing her to the floor. Without another wasted thought he jumped on top of her and secured her hands at the side of her head.

She struggled beneath him as he stared her down.

"You are not getting away with this," she sneered, "The others know what you have done and soon there will be here to slice your head off."

The alpha chuckled at her empty threat.

"It had been hours since we started our little duel, sweet heart, "he mocked, "Surely if there was back up they would have already been here."

Her eyes filled with hopeless tears and he watched her struggle as she scolded herself for showing weakness in front of him. This boy had murdered her mother in cold blood. Torn through her chest and crushed her heart. The leader she had learned to respect and honour was on the ground with her guts out like an animal. She suffered an ungraceful death and now she was abandoned by her coven.

She was alone now, she learned. She had nothing more to lose.

"What do you want?" she asked her head slumping back in defeat, "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!!" She cried.

The alpha smirked. He wiped the tears that ran down her cheeks and stroked her hair away from her face with his claws. Her breath shook as she looked at him. His eyes had gone darker than she remembered and his voice more cunning than that Pale Man her mother had summoned.

She had seen her own share of dark entities as a witch but even those didn't compare to the hatred burning in the alpha's at that moment.

"I think you know exactly what I am after." He replied sending cold shivers down her spine. Margot gulped.

If she returned to the coven, she would be deemed as a deserter for leaving in the first place. Her position as the second in command would be non existemt. The second she had decided to leave there had never been an option of returning alive, she realized. Her coven had left her to die under the hand of a furious mate.

"I see you understand now." He noted watching her expression, "Tell me what I need to know."

After weighing her options, she yielded. There was no home to go to any more. She was going down fighting.

"Gurantee my safety." She demanded.

The alpha looked surprised.

"Grant me my safety and I will tel you everything I know." Margot bargained and he met her eyes looking for a sign of dishonesty. She appeared too desparate to lie.

"Yes," He accepted, "You have my word."

Cautiously he released her and walked to lean against his desk as he watched her. Margot slowly got herself up to sitting position. Margot wiped at her leaking eyes and glanced briefly at her mother's body before meeting the alpha's eyes again.

"Crystal is a vessel," Margot started, "She is the last one left."

The alpha nodded waiting for her to continue.

"For as long as The history has taught vessels have been hunted and murdered before they got the chance to walk. They are witches with no magic ut not humans either. they are born amongst werewolves, other witches and a few humans. Every year there is a hunt for the initiation into the coven. On must kill all 12 born in a year to get a high post."

"Twenty years ago, the number of vessels born started to dwindle and it was noted. The initiation process changed to something else. Hunting vessels turned to tracking them. Crystal was to have been murdered as a child but somehow survived. The change of homes and identity must have hid her well. My mother found her and used the werewolves to try to kill her."

The alpha's jaw clenched.

"We had not realized she was your mate until she was saved." Margot added.

"And yet she was kidnapped and tortured." The alpha interjected.

"But she survived." Margot countered, "A vessel may be empty but should be strong to endure about anything so that he or she can handle the magic that would be carried."

"Carried?" The alpha asked, "Why would there be vessles to hold this magic when witches already exist?"

Margot sighed, "In the years of our fore fathers, there was a war that happened. A scorned crown prince was banished. Many witches were massacred before their time and their magic did not move on to the next generation. It lays in the Forest of the Banished where the scorned Prince was believed to have met his end."

The alpha hummed in understanding.

"The excess magic created a loophole where vessels started to be born. Beings that were made to absorb this magic. But none of the first ones where able to live through the transfusion." She explained, "The covens started the massacre of the last vessels and the ones reborn to prevent the scorned Prince from using them to get his revenge."

"Why couldn't he just get the magic himself?" The alphas asked tapping his fingers against his desk, "If he lived there and was surrounded by it. Why not get the magic himself?"

"A witch or a wizard can only enhance on what he was given, they cannot acquire more power although they can control it from another source." She explained.

"Crystal is the last vessel alive and if at all she makes it through the transfusion, he will use her to rain hell to all the covens and take over everything he believes he lost all those years ago."

The alpha pondered over her words and seemed satisfied with her truths, the door opened and Jordan strolled in bowing in front of his alpha before speaking. When he looked up he tried to ignore his blood stain face and the blood on his desk . not forgetting the corpse of a witch laying next to its own battered heart.

"It appears they have made a camp a few miles north," He reported, "Shall I take care of the mess, Alpha."

The alpha's eyes shined with pride before he nodded, "Yes please do."

Jordan nodded, his eyes appearing tired before leaving the dishealved looking Margot and blood coated Alpha to their coversation so that he can find supplies.

"Do I have it that we have a deal?" Margot asked, "I told you everything I knew."

The alpha nodded clicking his tongue, "You did."

He walked closer. Margot fought the impulse to take a step back.

"I believe we can be of use to each other." He concluded stretching out the same had he used to claw her mother's heart out. The urge to gag was pushed back with much difficulty. Margot then met him half way with a firm hand shake.

Shehad swapped one devil for another. In the end, she had to do what she had to doin order to survive.

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