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Chapter 6

A heavy cold cloth lay on my fore head and my wrist felt held down by a strong weight. I opened my eyes to lay them on a different room. The room had a light grey shade and I noticed I was lying on a white kind sized mattress.

I turned to my right hand to see a slumped back Felix in a white wrinkled shirt that had patches of blood on it spread out everywhere. He was asleep with his head hanging back but his hand had a shocking tight grip on mine.


I noticed I was still in a white hospital gown except I was not in a hospital. A plastic cup was hovering over my mouth and nose and there was a large cylinder by the side of the bed. Aside it was a stand with a packet of blood hanging from it having a tube that hang down and was in my wrist.

I am sure tired of asking this question.

What on earth is going on?

On the side that Felix was holding was the usual drip with a colourless liquid flowing into my wrist.

I tried moving my fingers to get his attention instead I received a large deep snore. God how was I gonna do this!!!

I used my other hand despite the pain to remove the oxygen mask and turn to him again. I noticed then how hard it was for me to take in my own air.

"Felix" I called out but it came out as a whisper.

"Felix!" I called and then I awoke an unwanted spasm of coughs. Great it looks like I want to kill myself now.

That seemed to have got Felix's attention. He bolted awake falling off his chair and bouncing back to his feet and placing the mask back on my face.

I caught onto his hand and took off the mask again. His touch sent a thousand knots in my stomach already.

"Where am I?"I whispered loud enough for him to hear and finally notice I am awake.

"At my house."

The door burst open with an officer about a middle aged looking gentlemen with a dark tanned skin walked in wearing the typical blue uniform.

"I got a report from the security at the hospital. It looks like no one saw the guy coming in. I just hope I can talk to..."he stopped the looked at me, "oh she is awake/!"He sounded very shocked. Felix sat back down in his sit and nodded.

"Hello Crystal, I am Officer Black. The head of police here and I hope you don't mind me asking you a few questions." He walked over to me and stood next to me pulling a nearby sofa chair to him and he took a seat. He had the same dark hair like Felix and an older complexion of Felix's rugged facial features. Except he had brown eyes. Deep brown eyes. I guess the intensity runs in the family.

"Do you remember what happened at the school and the hospital?" he asked me pulling out a recorder and placing it beside me.

I nodded.

I put the mask back on to get a few more even breaths before talking.

My voice came out quite hoarse but he nodded. I think he got what I was saying.

"Do you think the attacker at the hospital could have been the one at the school too?" he asked.

"I have no idea. I barely saw the person at school. He was too fast." I answered and put the mask back on closing my eyes and letting the air do its magic.

"Dad I think we should let her rest for a while. It has been hard on her." I heard Felix tell his dad.

"On you too, boy. Get some rest will you?" he told his son.

'I will dad when I am absolutely sure she is safe."

I heard the dad let out a defeated sigh before closing the door. I slowly opened my eyes to Felix. He was pacing round the room looking very uneasy.

"What happened?" I asked him through the mask. I thought it sounded drowned but he heard me and sighed looking at me and his eyes got darker.

"I thought you just narrated the story." he said in rather a harsh tone. I can never know with him. I sighed too biting the inside of my check before going on.

"I am talking about the blood on your shirt." I said.

"We will talk about that later." And with that he left the room and rudely slammed the door. First he was all worried and cared about me. Now he is angry with me.

I hope dad and mum hurry to pick me up from this place soon.

As if reading my mind the door opened with a red faced mother of mine with blood shot eyes and run down mascara fresh on her face.

"Baby are you okay?"

I nodded and smiled through the mask.

"Honey I am so glad you are okay. I thought I'd lost you" she said and a new river tears flew out of her eyes.

"Mum," I took off the mask, "I am fine I will be any way. All I want now is to go home with you."

"Honey we can't protect you as well as the head of the police. We need you safe, dear." she told me stroking my hair and sicking stray strands behind my ear.

"But his son hates me plus I'm gonna miss you and dad." I tried to plead giving him the best puppy dog eyes I could muster.

"I am gonna be alone here." I said my voice getting a little shaky.

"Honey we will come to see you every day. Right now your dad is talking with the police but we will be here. Amy and Luke are here too. You are not gonna be alone." She consoled me.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked.

"The last time you almost died so I am gonna wait till you can breathe fully on your own to do that." she gave me a serious look but later smiled.

She gave me a small kiss on the forehead and left.

I wondered why it had been so serious I had to be brought to the police for supervision. What didn't leave my mind was the dark empty eyes that belonged to my almost murder. Why did someone want me dead, I hadn't seen my attacker or known why they wanted to kill me?

The most confusing thing that bothered me was why Felix changed ever second. Why was he a different person every time we met? He gives me vibe that he doesn't want me near him but he keep getting closer to me.

I want to know what the heck is happening. And how I ended up being the target of some unknown mystery murderer. 

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