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Magnus walked along the road that led to the only bakery in the town. The sky was clear and the winds were friendly. He could almost smell the fresh bread from a mile away. The number of humans must have been less than thirty he had recalled. At that moment that didn't matter. He was finally back. He was staring at his young-self carrying a basket of freshly baked goods and a few packets of blood for his parents. His younger version was analysing him from head to toe. He had lingered a second longer on his eyes and then on his long dark nails.

"Magnus," He greeted the boy, "Nice to meet you."

Little Magnus froze for a second before offering a small bow, "It is my pleasure, master." He replied politely before quickly rushing off. Magnus smiled to himself. He knew exactly what would be going on inside his young little human mind.

"Is this what you use my pet for?" the bane of his existence spoke, "She helps you dream?"

Magnus rolled his eyes and shunned away his illusion before turning to his so called long time friend. The self absorbed lunatic himself. Crystal sat quietly on her bed as the two men acknowledged each other. Magnus sighed again and waited for the other man to make a statement.

"What?" The other man spoke, "Are you angry with me?"

This was the first time they had spoken since the gathering he held outside the other day. Magnus was clearly un happy with his current decision making and was, if not already corrupting his vessel to get the work done himself. An outcome that he was not going to let happen. Magnus counted the number of his own men inside his head and smirked staring at Crystal. He only had needed the superior warlock to turn the human into a vessel. And that fortunately is already a task finished.

"I am not angry with you." Magnus said honestly as he walked toward Crystal's side. His hand placed firmly on her shoulder, "You disappoint me is all."


"You have power, vampires could only dream of tasting and means your fellow kin would kneel to worship and the first thing you want to do is, destroy a pack of meaningless mutts with it." Magnus mocked.

"You can tear the world in half with a click of your tongue," Magnus clicked his own tongue, "Or bring back a new one from destruction." He continued quietly.

Magnus walked up to his old friend and traced the maddening scar on his face slowly, "You could have the person who did this to you die an infinite amount of times over and over, bringing him back to make them live in agony."

"Your sense of imagination annoys me," Magnus continued, "Your pride is unmatchable."

Magnus' eyes glowed green and so did Crystal's. The room was being filled with the energy both inside Crystal and Magnus.

"The funny thing about vessels," Magnus hummed, "Is that if you really want to, the magic can actually become yours. The harmony just has to be... about right. Crystal."

And then there were at the cliff. The time had changed. The sky was dark and the winds were definitely not friendly. There were trees behind them. A small forest. And a little village over.

"Do you know where we are?" Magnus asked as he looked over the cliff, "That village. Do you know what it is."

"Vampire village."

"One of many that were raided during the stupid witch civil war. Vampires were hunted and slaughtered. A few humans were caught in the cross fire." Magnus explained, "Funny how a little village like that was wiped off the face of history the moment I get aquainted with you."

"And what is even funnier is that Carmen's blood line was not involved in the invasions at that time." Magnus said again his eyes were still over the cliff.

He pressed his hands firmly on Crysal's shoulders. The grass beneath them went dry and started rubbing against each other because of the rough winds. The energy between the two powerful beings created enough friction to have the grass sparkling. Crystal's shoulder's bled as she brought the scarred man to his knees without touching him. His powers were no match for the magical duo of Magnus and Crystal. Even his scar started to tingle.

"I wish I knew the person who once tried to tear you apart my friend," Magnus said as the scar on his face lit up.

"Johnathan," He called and chuckled, "I never thought I would hear my self say your name again, Johnathan."

"Any way Johnathan," He whispered loud enough for him to hear him, "It was nice seeing you again."

Johnathan also known as the 'monster' or 'scarred face' was ripped apart from his face following his own line of symmetry. The screams of agony fell on deaf eyes as parts of his body slowly started to shut down as the splitting continued. Any human would have been dead as fast as the first slice. The big bad warlock, who was respected, loathed and feared by all was brought to his knees by a teenage human filled with disowned magic and power under the control of who was supposed to be his closest friend. A tragic ending in deed. Magnus smiled when he heard the remains scatter away. Johnathan might not be dead exactly, but he might as well be. Nothing could bring him back this time. All the glue in the magic realm would not be enough.

Crystal blinked lifelessly as Magnus gave her a comforting tap on the back.

"This was not what I saw," she mumbled to herself quietly. Magnus hummed.

"The future is an unpredictable thing," He replied taking a large breath of mountain air.


Margot gasped and fell back knocking back a few books that she had put together in a stack in the library. Blake jumped back startled while she tried catching her breath. Her chest constricted making her double over in shock clutching it tightly and her eyes shone a bright purple. Her breath turned rugged and she clutched on to Blake in reflex using some of his own energy to keep her from blacking out. Felix walked passed the section Blake and Margot were in before returning almost immediately. Margot gathered herself and let go of a shocked Blake before scooting as far away from Felix as possible.

"What is the matter?" He asked curiously. Her eyes shifted refusing to make eye contact before she recalled the voice she thought was bound by the clutches of early death.

"This was not what I saw,"

Her fingers tingled and she rushed to her feet making her way to the door to avoid Felix's curious. She had gotten up so fast she didn't realize until she bumped into a hard chest. Her eyes met with the accusing eyes of Jordan and she gasped. Her face broke out in a sweat when she saw that Mr Black was not far behind him. 

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