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Chapter 158 Concert

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At the end of the song, thunderous applause erupted in the venue.

"As expected of a top singer, this is so contagious."

"I thought I couldn't see the stage clearly if I sat in the back, but it turned out to be the same as sitting in the front row. I could even see Huo Bao's expression clearly."

Obviously, this man is a big fan of Huo Jie.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I'm crying. I squatted in the toilet for several days. If Boss Lin hadn't saved me, I would have died long ago."

"Yeah, what's the difference between this and being a savior? Boss Lin is the savior of our family."

"The one thousand points are well spent. The backup dancers are all superpowers, and their dancing is so beautiful. It is a level that will never be reached before the end of the world."

"Oh, God, other places are wandering between starvation and death, but here, there is actually a concert. I thought it was a small stage at most, but I didn't expect it to be more luxurious than the largest stage before the end of the world."

"Oh my god, is this a sound a human can make?"

The young man from Xiong Country has been completely attracted by the people on the stage.

The person next to him whispered to his companions: "There have been a lot of foreigners coming to the base recently, and they are even more exaggerated than us before."

But her companion straightened her head and said, "Listen carefully."

Most of the people who came to the concert brought a lot of food, but everyone was so immersed in it that they forgot to eat, fearing that the sound of chewing would affect their hearing.

Lin Wei's family was no exception, they just finished drinking the juice.

At six o'clock, everyone was reluctant to leave, and Huo Jie was also a big fan. When it was over, he sang the song "Land of Redemption" again.

After the session, everyone left the venue in an orderly manner, and miraculously discovered that after sitting for three hours, they didnt feel sore backs or buttocks, but felt refreshed.

They all said that the thousand points were well spent, and they found that Huo Jie's voice was even better than before the end of the world.

After this game, Huo Jie directly earned 50 million points. He owed all the rental fees first, so after receiving the points from selling the concert tickets, he immediately transferred 50 million points to Lin Wei.

But this one event consumed a lot of his energy, and he wouldn't be able to do it again in a short time.

I learned that the Interstellar Dream Stage Hall is for rent. Although the rental fee is as high as 50 million, there are still people flocking to it.

Other venues can also accommodate one million people at the same time, with a minimum rent of 100,000 people.

But there are not many people as courageous as Huo Jie, and 50 million points is a lot.

As for the tickets, Lin Wei mandated that they should not exceed 1,500 points.

Another thing happened in the base, that is, many superpowers broke through the defense.

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