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Chapter 110: Sea Beast in Captivity

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"Now your main task is to go out and search for survivors. There are almost no people around, so you need to expand the scope."

"Just leave a team to patrol the base on a daily basis."

"Okay Sister Wei, I will make arrangements right now."

Yang Chen nodded and left the room.

Lin Wei rubbed her eyebrows. She didn't know what was going on recently, but she always had a bad feeling.

I hope I'm just overthinking it.

"Click, click..."

The sound of bones twisting was heard, the ground shook, the snow on the top of the mountain quickly scattered, and the avalanche came without warning.

"I'm going! Run!"

In the snow, someone made a surprised sound.

The rumbling sound resounded throughout the world, as if the heaven and earth were falling apart, it was very terrifying.

I dont know how long it took, but everything returned to calm.

He Qingqing was panting from exhaustion and finally could take a breath. She stopped, put her hands on her hips, and after calming down for a while, she took out a bottle of water and poured it into her mouth.


Suddenly, she turned her head to look somewhere and couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of water.

"Cough cough cough..."

She almost choked to death, but she couldn't care anymore. She stretched out her hand and pointed at one place with trembling fingers.

"Look, what is that!"

"You read that right, that's a skeleton?"

The little fat man Li Tao rubbed his eyes vigorously, trying to see more clearly.

I saw skeletons slowly crawling up from the ground, and they were flexing their muscles as if they had been asleep for a long time.

The sound of clicking was heard endlessly, making his skin crawl all over.

Xu Hao said: "I'll take a photo and send it to Sister Wei."

A few people nodded. They formed a team to fight the snow monsters. They joined the Linchuan Alliance. There was a group of people just now, but now they are all separated. I really didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

Lin Wei received the message from Xu Hao, opened it, and looked at the things in the photo, her pupils shrank, what the hell is this?

It looks like a corpse under the ground!

"Look, they are coming towards us!"

I saw the skeletons who were looking at Slowly's jelly muscles, suddenly running towards them crazily as if some switch had been activated.

That speed is simply incredible!

Zhou Rui said quickly: "Run!"

Several people ran away. After running for a while, Xu Hao said silently: "Huhu, don't we have a car?"

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