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Chapter 106: Crashed

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A group of people rushed to Qi Heng's lair in a hurry, but they were a step late, and only a few rotten fish and shrimps were left.

"He ran so fast."

Although she had already guessed the outcome, she still felt a little regretful that she actually ran away.

They went in and took a look, and the more they looked, the more shocked they became.

In addition to zombies, Qi Heng also captured many sea beasts and raised them in captivity!

Needless to say how dangerous the deep sea is, how did he do it?

"Oh my god, is this a mutated jellyfish? It's so big and ugly."

Qin Ling's younger brother Qin Feng was shocked. The jellyfish were so colorful and one of them was bigger than an elephant.

Zhao Mengmeng immediately retorted: "What's wrong with it? I think the colorful ones look better."

"You're awesome."

Qin Feng curled his lips and gave Zhao Mengmeng a thumbs up.

"He should have used this green liquid to keep these sea beasts alive."

Qing Ling pointed to the green liquid contained in a glass jar nearby, which Qi Heng probably didn't have time to take away.

Lin Wei nodded and put the glass jars filled with unknown green liquid into her backpack.

"Brother, these sea beasts are so strange. They are all alive, but they don't like to move. They are not afraid when they see people coming."

Qin Feng took a stick and poked the sea beast in the pool, but saw that the sea beast was motionless. However, because of his superpower, he could detect the vital signs of the sea beast, and it was quite strong.


Lin Wei said: "Bring these sea beasts back with you."

Take it back to the laboratory for study together.

"Ah? How are you going to take this with you? These sea beasts can't survive without the water in this pool, and the space backpack can't hold living things, so you can't take this pool with you, right?"

Qin Feng was stunned and felt that Lin Wei was a little whimsical.

"You all stand back."

Lin Wei waved her hand, signaling everyone to step back.

No one knew what she was going to do, but they still stepped back very cooperatively.

Then, a very large glass tank appeared out of thin air in the open space outside the pool, enough to contain the water in the pool and the sea beasts.

"I'll go, such a big glass tank!"

When Qin Feng saw this, he immediately leaned on the glass jar with excitement.

"Stop looking, help put the water and sea monsters in the pool into it."

"No problem, don't move, just watch me."

Qin Feng smiled confidently and everyone was stunned. What is this kid going to do?

The next moment, I saw a huge gust of wind suddenly blowing in the room, directly rolling up the entire water in the pool, and then fell into the huge glass tank.

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