Today I will watch the first team of the first alliance of our base kill the red-eyed snow monster handsomely. The total time is one and a half hours.

Life is less stressful and everyone wants to relax.

There were quite a few people in the cinema.

In the second game, lets look at Chi Hais boss fighting skills version 1.0.

Lin Wei is at home at the moment, and the system still doesn't respond. Could it be that she can't come back?

I haven't heard the sound of the system for several days, I miss it.

Now the next thing she has to do is to speed up the upgrade of the base.

Then, the production of the teleporting light ball is imminent.

After all, almost all nearby bases have been relocated to her base, and other places are too far away.

Yang Chen has already negotiated with people from a base. They are very willing and can't wait to move here.

Lin Wei gave Yang Chen a teleporting light ball. In order not to waste it, she asked him to search for other survivors or bases nearby. It was best to gather together enough people before using the teleporting light ball.

It is not easy for her to be diligent and frugal in running the household.

[Da da da, Im back with yam! 】

Lin Wei was startled by the sudden sound in the system.

"I'm scared to death, pay for it."

【No no. 】

At one point, Yam tightened his piggy bank and looked wary.

"Look at you like that."

Lin Wei rolled her eyes. She was going to find the red-eyed snow monster, but she always felt that she had to rely on it to unlock the Ice Element Hall.

This time I brought Xiaoyu with me. She was always clamoring to go out and was almost going crazy in the base.

She is now almost at the third level, but has struggled to improve because she has not received actual combat training.

"Sister, I'm ready, let's go."

Lin Yu came in from the door, with bright eyes, full of yearning for the outside world.

"let's go."

Lin Wei got up and walked out. The two of them left the base. Snow was falling heavily outside the base and it never stopped. The red-eyed snow monster was a high-level one, but those with low-level powers had no way to deal with it. They wanted to get its warm fur. , requires teamwork.

Generally, alliances are used as units, which is convenient for command and has better understanding.

"Is this a snow monster? It's so tall, its teeth are so sharp, and it looks so scary."

Lin Yu looked at the red-eyed snow monster not far away, which was more than three meters tall, and couldn't help but swallow.

I saw the red-eyed snow monster showing its sharp teeth and biting a mutated elk.

The mutated elk had no power to resist and soon died with a whimper.

"This is a level four red-eyed snow monster."

Fortunately, it is only the lowest level. I heard from the tenants that a fifth-level snow monster has appeared in Mingyue Mountain, and many people have been seriously injured.

"Xiaoyu, you try to control it with your mental power. Don't be brave. Just practice with it and I'll suppress it."

Lin Yu's face tightened and she nodded solemnly. She must practice her powers well and must not hold her sister back.

Lin Wei held the meteorite knife in her hand and slowly approached the red-eyed snow monster.

The red-eyed snow monster quickly discovered her. Because he could not sense her level, he had to drop the mutated elk in his mouth and stared at Lin Wei with a pair of blood-red fist-sized eyes.

Being disturbed by a two-legged beast while eating, it was very angry at this moment.

"Woof woof woof..."

The red-eyed snow monster roared angrily.

Lin Wei: "Pfft...hahahahaha..."

The red-eyed snow monster was stunned for a moment and became even more angry. What are these two-legged beasts laughing at? Is it ridiculous?

Ahhhhhh, I must eat her alive!

Lin Wei was laughing so hard that she could hardly stand upright. Who would have thought that the snow monster with red eyes looked so menacing, but the roar coming out of its mouth turned out to be the barking of a dog, hahahahahaha.

Lin Yu beside him couldn't hold himself any longer, his face turned red from holding back.

"Woof woof woof!"

The red-eyed snow monster rushed over angrily, and slapped Lin Wei's head with a pair of broad palms like a mountain falling apart.

Lin Wei nimbly dodged the attack, chopping with a meteorite knife nimbly, without any bells and whistles, every knife was a killing move.

The red-eyed snow monster is an ice-based beast, and ice crystals kept pouring out of the ground. Lin Wei did not land. At this time, the benefits of flying ability were revealed.

Lin Yu, who was on the side, took advantage of the red-eyed snow monster's lack of time to pay attention to her, and attacked the red-eyed snow monster again and again.

The red-eyed snow monster can't bear to be disturbed. Although this energy is like scratching it to it, it can easily get distracted if it is scratched too hard occasionally.

So annoying!

The more manic he is, the more likely he is to make mistakes. Lin Wei seizes the opportunity, leaps forward and stabs the snow monster's right eye with a knife.

Lin Yu also seized the opportunity and struck with all his strength. The snow monster appeared sluggish for a moment, and Lin Wei then stabbed his left eye again.

The big snow monster without eyes instantly lost all attack power and could only swat around like a headless fly. In the end, Lin Wei killed it with a knife.

"Bingling stone?"

Lin Wei looked at the extra piece of blue transparent crystal in her hand.

This is so pretty.

Is this the crystal core of the red-eyed snow monster?

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