to hard

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Nathan screamed... In pain. He knew he'd pissed Adrian off last night, but he never thought he'd abuse him like this.
A chocked sob left him as Adrian lifted his leg, driving in deeper. Adrian hadn't said a word to him last night. Or this morning. He'd just sat on the bed with the rope. Nathan had been so ashamed of the things he'd screamed at him last night to even try to say something. So he'd stay quiet, letting Adrian tie the rope to his body as they did every morning so he wouldn't forget himself while his demon was gone. His heart had ached in the silence. Adrian was still doing this for him, even after everything he'd said last night.
Adrian was good at hiding his own pain. A master of it. But Nathan knew his demon. Knew the words he'd screamed in anger had hurt him.
So when Adrian had grabbed his arms roughly and tied them behind him too, he'd accepted it. He deserves it for the awful things he'd said.
But this... God it hurt like all hell and yet Nathan had never loved it more. "Come... Coming-"
He panted, gasping for breath. And then crying out as Adrian pinched his nipple so hard his back arched even with how he was pinned. And gods, the one leg he was standing on wanted to give out. But Adrian was so much stronger, holding him so easily that barely any weight was his own to hold.
A scream ripped from his throat as he came, tears sliding down his face. "Please- no more." Adrian looked at him, eyes uncaring. He pulled out of him, Nathan sighed in relief, but it was short lived as he was thrown on the bed, he bit his lip as he felt his arm pop, his eyes closed as he felt Adrian crawl on him.
"You deserve this." He hissed in his ear. Nathan cried out in pain and pleasure as Adrian started fucking him again, and in this position it hurt more, his body pinned awkwardly, his leg up as Adrian thrust into him savagely.
"Pl-please please please- stop- n-no more no mohhhh!" Nathan screamed his body convulsing as he came again, his eyes rolled back as he passed out.

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