tiefling king (soft)

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D struggled against the iron infused robes... She had a gag in her mouth, and a blindfold on... She had been sleeping soundly with Night Terror, his arms around her, snuggled against his chest when suddenly they were attacked and she was violently taken from him, she had heard his roar and curse, but suddenly everything faded as they put something over her mouth and nose and a sickly sweet smell felled her nose... "Night... Terror..." She whispered as the world faded...
"This is Night Terror's Queen?" She shivered as she felt a hand go through her hair... "Mmph..." "She looks so weak..." She felt the hand go to the gag... And remove it... "What is your name girl?" "Fuck you!" She felt her chin get grabbed in a tight grip... "Listen little girl... I'll kill you in an instant, it doesn't matter to me... If you don't listen I'll rip your throat out and watched you bleed... Now what is your name?" D bit his hand, she was suddenly back handed and she fell to the ground... "FUCKING BITCH!" She tasted blood... "Use her, fuck her, kill her I don't give a fuck just get her out of my fucking sight!" She felt a kick to her side... "Don't touch me!" D screamed as she thrashed around, she suddenly felt hands on her... "Shh... Calm down... I'm not going to hurt you..." D frowned at the soft and kind voice... "All of you leave my chambers! And if you lay other finger on this girl I'll personally tare you apart..." She felt herself get lifted up and she heard shuffling of feet then a door slamming... She struggled with the binds... "Hold on... I'm not going to undo those until I know you won't hurt me... My name is Eligos... I am king in this realm... The abyss... I mean you no harm... What is your name?" She felt him taking her clothes off... "Stop! Don't touch me!" She went to kick, but her leg was caught... "Your clothes are wet and torn... I'm just removing them... If you won't tell me your name I'll call you Lunisira... A beautiful name right? I had a mate by that name... She was beautiful..." D frowned... "Can... Can you at least remove the blindfold?" Slowly it came off, she blinked a few times and looked at the person who was talking to her, he had dark skin, like Night Terror and long dark hair, his eyes a rich red color, and large horns, he had a silver loin cloth around his hips and no shirt, and a long tail, no wings... He reminded her of Ashur, kind and gentle... "Deanna... My... Name is Deanna, but I'm called D..." He smiled and nodded... "As I told you my name is Eligos... And you have nothing to fear of me..." She looked down, and noticed she had no clothing on, her face turn red... "Ummm..." He moved so he could put a cover on her, he then reach behind her and undid the bonds... She moved and wrapped the blanket around her... "Th-thanks... Eligos..." He nodded and got up, his tail swaying a bit... She then noticed his feet, she nearly fell out of bed... "Are you hungry D? I can get you something... Anything..." D frowned looking around... "No... But clothes would be good..." He nodded and smiled... "In the mean time D... You need food, what do you like to eat, I'll get it for you..." D sighed... "Some fruit would be fine..." He nodded and left... She got up and looked around, the room was big, she noticed that he had a small book shelf fill to the brim with old leather bond books, she reached to get one but her hand was grabbed... She turned fast to see Eligos... "Please don't touch these books... If you want to read I'll get some for you... But not these..." He then handed her a grown and held a bowl of cut up fruit... "I didn't know what you liked so I got you a little of everything..." She took the gown, he turned and let her have some privacy... "You said you are the king here..." "Correct..." "What demon king are you?" She frowned as she noticed it was a long gown, one she had to pick up to walk in, at least it wasn't puffy... It was black with silver swirls... "I'm king of the under realm... Or abyss..." "But what type of demon are you? Are you an incubus?" He shook his head... "No I'm a Tiefling..." She turned to him and tilted her head... "What is a Tiefling?" He glanced over his shoulder and turned around when he noticed she was done... "Fairy demon... My mother was one of the Fae, my father a demon, they lived in a village that was full of couples like them, plus other creatures..." "Like?" He offered her the bowl and went to set down... "Well there was Fae, demons, Nagas, lizardfolk, Rakshasa, gargoyles, dragonlings, changelings, centaurs, orcs, manticores, grogons, elfs and dark elfs, Genyrs... Vampires and werewolves, things like that..." D blinked... "Genyr? You know those?" He smiled and nodded... "I knew a child named Flora... She was with a mischievous dragonling... I think his name was Willow, or Mellow... It was along time ago..." D sat down... "You said you had a mate?" His ears went down and his tail stopped moving... "Yes... Her name was Lunisira, she... She was a fairy, very beautiful, she had pail skin and silver eyes and wings, her hair the color of snow, she was the daughter to Umar... King of moon Fae..." D tilted her head... "What happened?" "War... The village we lived in was attacked, I lost her and Lion... Our son... She was pregnant with our second child..." D frowned looking at him... "I'm sorry..." He shook his head... "It doesn't matter, now D, I need you to stay in this room, Demir might hurt you if he sees you..." "Why did you take me?" He shook his head... "I didn't, the elders order you to be taken from him, they think you would make a perfect Queen to me... I told them I didn't want that... But you know elders, they demanded it..." "Night Terror marked me..." She moved her hair to show the mark... " He smiled... "Then I will try everything in my power to get you back to your mate D, in the meantime... This room is yours and any thing you want you can have, just ask..."

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