over stimulus

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Xiphil frowned as Sebastian slid onto his desk, blocking him from the papers and things he needed. "Sebastian," he growled.
Sebastians skin prickled. "Yes?" He hummed innocently.
Xiphils sharp teeth made him shiver as he snarled, hands grabbing Sebastian's thighs and dragging him forward. Xiphil wasn't gentle, shredding the front of Sebastian's pants and boxers, making him spring free.
Sebastian didn't even have a chance to breathe before Xiphil was swallowing him down to the base. Sebastian moaned louder then he ever had before, hands going to grab his hair. But Xiphil grabbed his wrists tightly, not letting him have any power as he sucked him off vichiously.
Sebastian bucked and thrashed but Xiphil took it all, making Sebastian scream as he came.
Those red eyes glowed up at him... And he didn't stop. Sebastian's thighs were shaking at so much pleasure so quickly it hurt. He pulled at his wrist but Xiphil didn't let go, he just focused on sucking Sebastian down.
"Ha haaa uhuh Xiphil~ fuck I'm sorry I'm ahhh!" He arched his hips as he leaned back.
"Hurts hurts Xiphil I can't I i- ahhhh!" He came again, his legs started twitching as Xiphil went still, Sebastian's cock deep in his throat.
"Please please~ I'm sorry." The dragonling pulled off him, looked down at the twitching death god on his desk.
"Don't get cocky Sebastian." His hand stroking him. Sebastian hissed in pleasure and pain.
"I'll knock you back down." Xiphil hissed, then moved back from him...
"Go take a shower now." Sebastian got up, a bit shaky but he left him alone to shower.

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