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The doctor said that although 32 hours had passed, Jimin was still in a coma. When the doctor mentioned it might stay this way forever, Chaeyoung nearly collapsed.

Chaeyoung's parents, as well as Jimin's parents, rushed to the hospital when they found out. The whole family wept when they received the grim news.

Lisa could not do anything except comfort them. She was trying to find some specialists to help Jimin.

She lost weight rapidly in just a few days, so Gyungmi was shocked when she visited her during the weekend!

"Do you not have any appetite? How can you lose so much weight? Is it because of stress at work?"

Gyungmi did not know what had happened since she had been working abroad for the past week and only returned to Seoul this morning. She remembered her son's request, so she visited Lisa.

"Or is it because of your friend's accident? Sis Wang told me your friend was involved in an accident. Is he still unconscious in the hospital?" She asked.

Lisa nodded her head. "The two of them are my best friends who got married in January this year. Their child is only a month old. The doctor said he might never wake up again. I'm worried."

"Worrying doesn't help. Well, you're going to the hospital for a check-up today, aren't you? I'll go with you. I'll also meet some old friends there and see if I can get any advice," Gyungmi said.

Lisa shot Gyungmi a grateful glance. "Thank you, Mother. By the way, can you make more of this chicken soup? I want to bring some for Su Nan as well. It's been a few days since she lost all her appetite."

Gyungmi smiled gently. "Of course, but you have to drink another bowl of it."

Lisa nodded as she put on a weak smile, and the darkness in her eyes faded slightly.

After that, following Gyungmi's urging, Lisa finished three bowls of soup, and then drank some nourishing fluids. Only when she felt incredibly full did Gyungmi let her off.


Mina came over after breakfast.

When Mina saw Gyungmi she was a little nervous, but after a while, she eased.

Unlike Lisa and some of them, Gyungmi was usually very stern and serious. She had an imposing manner that normal people could not quite handle. Previously, it took Lisa some time to get used to it too, but eventually, the faint harmony they had now took hold.

Lisa asked Sis Wang to pack the soup and porridge to bring to the car while she and Gyungmi got in.

As Mina drove, Lisa and Gyungmi sat behind.

Gyungmi was actually quite similar to Chitthip. She usually quite liked to dress fashionably too. Sometimes, even Lisa felt like she was older than them while they were beauties who were at the top of their fashion game.

Right now, Gyungmi was browsing a fashion magazine as she chatted with Lisa interestedly, "This style suits you. You're fair, so this style should show off your charisma. Ooh, and this gown... Normal people won't be able to make it look charming, but I think you can pull it off."

Gyungmi was pointing at a gown in the magazine at this moment as she turned to say to Lisa.

Lisa then turned to look at her. Why did she feel like this gown looked quite familiar? It was as though she had seen it somewhere.

"A Qinghua gown with a red-crowned crane... Hmm, it looks really familiar." Lisa stared at the picture for quite a while, then her eyes flashed and she could not help but mutter softly, "Wasn't this the gown Gu Yumi wore?"

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