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Joonwoo nodded. “Mmm, that’s right. It was Yugyeom. Initially, we wanted her to get an abortion, but she insisted on keeping it. In fact, she wouldn’t tell us who the child’s father was. Your grandmother was very angry back then. In a rage, she put her under house arrest to make her reflect on her actions, but unexpectedly, she escaped. When we found her again, it was already too late.”

“After giving birth to Yugyeom, your aunt’s mood would improve at times and took a turn for the worse at others. Back then, she had already fallen into depression. So as not to let outsiders know that she had a child out of wedlock, your grandmother and I racked our brains, and your mother-in-law even agreed to let Yugyeom be recorded under your father-in-law’s name, so the child’s surname is Jeon, the same as Gguk-ah. He called them ‘Father’ and ‘Mother’, and us ‘Grandfather’ and ‘Grandmother’.”

“Then, back then, did you guys ever think of finding the child’s father?” Lisa frowned and looked at Joonwoo, slightly puzzled.

“Of course, we did investigate. Because of this, your father and mother-in-law put in a lot of effort too, but because your aunt intentionally kept it a secret, we had no leads to begin with. In a fit of rage, your grandmother swore to kick her out and as you know your grandmother’s temper...”

When she heard this, Lisa’s brows furrowed into a knot. She could tell that Jiseul must have been quite an unyielding person.

“Now that we think about it, it was our fault back then. We failed to guide her. Otherwise, the tragedy wouldn’t have happened.”

When Joonwoo talked about this, he could not remain calm. His aged eyes were filled with indescribable pain and struggle. “This incident has always been a thorn in your grandmother’s heart. It’s best if you never talk about this in front of her. Lisa, you’re a sensible child. Just be good and stay by Jungkook’s side. Don’t think about all of these things of the past anymore. It’s not a bad thing to be able to live a calm life like you do now. Knowing too much about some things will only make it become a kind of burden.”

“As the eldest brother, Jungkook has always been very protective of Yuqi and Yugyeom, but Yugyeom... This incident... Everyone knows that we can’t blame him because...”

“What are you two talking about? Lisa, you were free to come back today!” This sudden cheerful voice interrupted Joonwoo’s words. The two of them quickly turned and saw that Boram was walking over to them.

“Grandmother!” Lisa immediately stood up.

“Sit, sit. I’ve been waiting for you two to come by for a while now. I was quite surprised to hear the butler say that you were back. You must’ve been extremely busy recently. What do you want to eat? We’ll make it for the two of you.”

“Don’t busy yourself now, Grandfather and Grandmother. We’re just back to visit you two.”

Lisa smiled. “Let me go back to pack up some of Qiqi’s things first. She asked me to take a few books for her.”

“Go then, but have dinner here before going back.”

“Mmm, okay.” Lisa responded before turning to leave.

“What did you say to her? What about Yugyeom? Why did you talk about these things to her? Are you trying to add trouble for her?”

Boram had vaguely heard them mention Yugyeom earlier, so she shot Joonwoo a warning glare.

“It’s nothing. Jungkook has never forgotten about Yugyeom’s incident. Today is Yugyeom’s birthday, and they’ve just been to Qingshan Cemetery... Sigh, I keep feeling that perhaps this matter should just be talked about openly. Do you think that the children would be willing to just let it be if we don’t talk about it?”

Master Jeon's Pampered Wife 2Where stories live. Discover now