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A cool breeze welcomed her while the grassy scent in the air felt fresh. She walked toward the veranda and lifted the curtains when she heard laughter outside. Outside, she saw some people playing tennis. They were two pairs of very young couples on the court, attracting a crowd around them.

Lisa slowly went to the staircase and watched from afar as she leaned against the railing.

In a nearby field, there was the sound of galloping advancing nearer. When she glanced over, she saw people riding horses.

She once wished to do the same things as them such as play tennis, ride a horse across a huge field, or walk through a crowded street with their hands held tightly together. She thought she would never have the chance to experience what was lost in the past ever again.

Unexpectedly, she was able to revisit the past and have such a pleasant moment, so she took the time to enjoy it.

Running, playing around the soft grassy field...

Walking through a narrow and crowded alley with their hands clasped tight, reminiscing the past...

Racing across the field on a horse while they watched the sunset...

These were too beautiful to be true.

Time passed quickly. They gave up their original plan to walk around several towns. Instead, they just stayed there to visit all the nearby attractions.

Night fell. They were heading back to the city they came from soon as it was their wedding tomorrow. The lodge owners had called them several times already, worried that they would miss their wedding with all the fun. Lisa went back to their room to pack up after dinner. Jungkook had been missing since afternoon, having gone out with Uncle Efren. He told her to get some rest before heading back at night.

Someone knocked on the door when Lisa was packing up. When she opened the door, she saw Aunt Susan standing outside. Aunt Susan seemed to be very close to Jungkook. After Lisa asked about it, she found out that she had been in Seoul for quite a number of years before and had taught English in a school, but she was fluent in Hangul as well. Much to her relief, Lisa did not have to speak English to her.

“Aunt Susan?” Lisa was surprised to see the kind and gentle Susan outside her door.

“May I come in?” Susan asked politely.

Lisa nodded and moved away. “Of course, please have a seat.” She then poured a glass of water for Susan.

“Thank you!” Susan accepted the glass of water with a smile on her face. She glanced at Lisa as her smile got wider. “You’re really beautiful, Miss Lisa.”

“Thank you.” Lisa replied as she sat down on the sofa opposite her.

“I’m surprised that Jungkook brought you here, but we’re really happy to see you guys together.” Susan smiled as her eyes softened. “I know you two are here to have your wedding. You have my blessings.”

“Thank you, Aunt Susan. Did you know Jungkook from before?” Lisa voiced out her doubt.

“Haha, I guess you don’t know that I was a teacher in Incheon and I’ve taught Jungkook before. After that, he came to New York and we bumped into each other at Wall Street. We’ve kept in touch ever since. Aside from being teacher and student, we’re friends as well. He’s a very responsible and diligent man, so you’re not making any mistakes marrying him. Back in school, many girls went after him. However, I’m surprised he likes a girl like you!” Susan teased.

Lisa pursed her lips and smiled. “I’m thankful to fate for leading me to him.”

“Well, you’re a good girl. I hope you can continue to have faith in him and love him. I’ve never seen him treat any girl like this before. You’re very lucky, and of course, he’s lucky to have met you as well.”

Master Jeon's Pampered Wife 2Where stories live. Discover now