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"It's alright. I'll be fine after a good night's sleep. You don't have to worry about me. Hey, aren't you going to sleep soon?" She suddenly felt much better as she listened to his voice.

"Your Mr. Jeon fights on the front line. I'm earning money for our baby's milk formula. How are you feeling? Did our child torture you again?"

She smiled a little listening to him. "Father's been secretly keeping money enough to feed him several lives over already."

"I don't have any secret stash. It's all with you, isn't it? Answer my question, Lali."

She laughed. All the cards inside the drawer were mostly hers now. He rarely used them as she used them more often.

"I'm alright. It's just that the nausea is a bit strong at times. The baby is probably used to your presence, so it started making a fuss after you left."

"How dare he? I'm going to punish him."

"It hasn't really started now, but the doctor says I'll be able to feel it in my fifth month of pregnancy. I'm not sure if it's true. I don't really feel anything when I touch my bump at night."

The two of them started talking about the little thing inside her, and they could not stop...

Although Jungkook called Marco to inform him of Wenwen's death, Marco had already received a call from the rehabilitation center about it. Lisa gave it some consideration before giving Marco a call. By the time she did, it was at the end of a long day.

Marco was standing by the staircase outside the front yard, listening to the call as he watched Chitthip sitting on the swing.

Chitthip had gone through several surgeries and was still under recovery, so she still had bandages over her eyes as she still went to the hospital every week for her check-up. The doctor said her progress was going well and she should be able to remove the bandages by next month. If nothing went wrong, she could go home after a week of observation post-bandage removal.

It was all thanks to Marco's care for her.

Chitthip had already gotten used to Marco's shameless attitude. No matter how mercilessly she treated him, Marco acted as if he did not notice it and would follow her everywhere. Because of her daughter and son-in-law were not there, there was no one else to take care of her except Marco, thus she had to rely on him for many things.

She gradually got used to it and let him do whatever he wanted.

"Father, she apologized to me during her final moments. She also wanted me to apologize to both of you, and she wished for our happiness." Lisa's voice reached him.

Marco's expression looked cold as he frowned without showing much emotion on the surface. He remained quiet for a long time.

"You don't have to worry about the funeral, Jungkook had Lucas to take care of it, I hope for her to leave in peace, you just have to take care of mother over there, I'll send her off."

Lisa did not want Marco to come back personally. There was no point for him to do so since she had already passed away. His return now would only cause more trouble.

Marco was still quiet. In the end, he nodded and said, "Thank you. These... should've been my responsibilities, but you've taken care of them for me."

Lisa smiled as she leaned back in the chair. "I'll do anything as long as Mother and you can be on good terms."

Marco smiled sheepishly when he heard Lisa He felt a little embarrassed for his daughter to see him this way.

"Jungkook and I hope that you and Mother can be together again, but we can't really do much. It all boils down to you in order to change Mother's mind. She has never forgotten about you." Lisa remembered what Chitthip told her before, so she could not help but chuckle a little.

Master Jeon's Pampered Wife 2Where stories live. Discover now