Get sexy - LOONA Olivia Hye Pt 3

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A/N: So I dreamt about Pennywise once again and I didn't like that..... and it was the only thing I can remember clearly in my dream...... just fucking great. 

Anyway, let's get started! 


"So what's the emergency?" I asked. 

"One of our members who's also our the youngest have been taken by an extreame seductress named Olivia Hye. He's supposed to give us info for future use on future missions, but her game is so powerful that it took all the men's attention." Hongjoong explained. 

"And unfortentely, our maknae is one the the victims." Seonghwa replied. 

"Oh no..... that sounds serious. She must be our new enemy then if she could take away your friend away." I said. 

"Do you think she's hired by Dynamite?" Rose asked. 

"I don't think so.... even Dynamite wouldn't get a sexy seductress like that on the scene." Jisoo replied. 

"Who's Dynamite?" Wooyoung asked. 

"They're our enemies for a long time." Jisoo replied, "Anyway, we'll help you get back Jongho." 

"Really? You'd really do this for us?" Hongjoong's eyes lit up. 

"Yeah, it's the least we can do. And besides, mafias got to stick together through the end, no matter what, you know?" I asked. 

"Thank you, girls. We'd really appreciate this, seriously." San smiled. 

Meanwhile, Olivia and Jongho have became a couple for the past few weeks. They did all sorts of things together and they even went out stargazing. Now they're just cuddling on the sofa as he put an arm around her. 

This is the first time that Olivia had fallen in love with someone before. Usually, she would just brush them off like it was nothing, but just one look in his eyes was more than enough to turn her on. 

It's like she has finally met her match after all of these in playing the game. She looked over to the side as some tears had soon suddenly spilled out of her eyes. He looked over to her and paused the movie. 

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Um..... yeah..... it's just that.... how come I'm always like this whenever I'm with you? I never let boys like you take control of my emotions, but here you are..... showing up the way I least expected it." She explained, "Sometimes, I wonder if you're really in love with me or it's only just the sparks of my spell doing the work." 

"No way..... it's true that I'm captivated by your spell, but honestly, day by day, the spell wore off and I'm starting to see the rule you underneath the covers. So long story short, if it was really the spell, then how come I can't do this?" He asked. 

He leaned closer to her before she followed suit. The two lips collided, desperate for each other's touch. All of the fears inside her head have been erased from existance. 

The next night, we came up with a plan on how to get Jongho back. The plan is to just play it cool like Jongho once did and Rose will pretend she's one of the performers. Once she got access to the backdoor, we'll confront her. 

Rose fixed her lipstick before doing an impressive performance for everyone to see. The whole crowd went wild as she pulled it off impressively. She gave off a little wink before disappearing. 

"Damn, that girl can defintely move!" 

"I'll say!" 

"I wonder who is this new girl?" 

"Looks she's managed to get as many votes as Olivia has." San smiled. 

"Yeah..... I think she pulled off that role a little bit too well." I fanned myself. 

After we got a go light from the security, we prepped our guns and ammo before nodding to each other. 

The door soon bursted open and Olivia and Jongho jolted from the impact. We aimed the guns at Olivia as ATEEZ headed towards the maknae. 

"Jongho, you're okay!" Wooyoung exclaimed. 

"You better step away from our friend!" Hongjoong replied.

"No! WAIT! EVERYONE, CEASE FIRE!" Jongho raised his hands up, "DON'T SHOOT!" 

We all looked at each other all confused. 

"Jongho, you were entwiced by her spell! We've come to save you!" Seonghwa replied.

"BUT....  BUT I LOVE HER!!!!" Jongho yelled, "And I'm not talking about being under spell, but coming from straight of the heart!" 

We all gasped as we let down our guns. 

"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked. 

"I mean..... I need her in my life. I know that she's dangerous and she is super manipulative at first, but I see more than that when I locked eyes with her. She's the most beautiful girl with or without makeup and she can seduce any other man that she wants to, but I know I'm the only one that she thinks of. 

And someday, I hope for the day that I'm going to make her my wife. And if anyone wants to kill her, then they have to go through me." Jongho crossed his arms. 

Olivia Hye couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. Never in a million years did a manipulative woman has found someone that would take a bullet for her. 

"Jongho...." She said. 

We dropped our guns once and for all as we couldn't really avoid the unevitable. 

"Guys, maybe he has a point. I mean, if anyone wants to take Jaehyun away from me, I would be pretty pissed." Rose replied. 

"And the same goes for me and Bobby." Jisoo said. 

We all looked at the floor, feeling a little guilty. 

"Olivia.... have you ever worked in the mafia business before?" Hongjoong asked. 

"No, why?" She asked. 

"Then congratulations..... you have offically made it into our community. I think it's best if we an work together side by side from now on." Hongjoong replied. 

Jongho and Olivia's eyes beamed before they smiled. 

"Well..... if you guys insist..... I would happily be a part of your team." Olivia replied, "And to be a part of your life." 

Jongho walked and gave a big kiss on the lips, making us coo. 


A/N: Awwww..... what a very cute ending! 

See you next time!!!!



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