Christmas morning - ASTRO Jinjin

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A/N: Now AHORAS, we've got something that you will hardly believe! But first, we've got ourselves a little story to complete so let's get started!


Ningning woke up to the beautiful smell of bacon that's wiffted through her nostrils. The smell was enough to make her tummy rumble. It rumbled and rumbled, making her body wake up. She stretched her arms to the air as she smiled. 

It's the magical time of the year once again! 

Her tummy made long deep rumbling sound as she rubbed on it. That was when ae-ningning popped up. 

"Merry Christmas, Ningning!" ae-ningning replied. 

"Merry Christmas!" Ninging exclaimed. 

They hugged each other in happiness over the holidays. Then all of a sudden, ae-ningning's smelt something delicious in the air. 

"Mmm.... what's that wonderful smell?" ae-ningning asked. 

"It's bacon. Jinjin always cook bacon whenever the magical holiday comes." Ningning explained, "It's so good, it's making my tummy rumble." 

ae-ningning's tummy soon became to rumble too. 

"Ooh, mine is too." ae-ningning held it. 

The two ningnings cooed at their synergy. 

"Well, you better be going downstairs before your stomach keels over." ae-ningning replied. 

"Yeah.... good call." Ningning replied. 

Ningning headed over to the kitchen to see Jinjin cooking some breakfast and roasting the bacon until it's perfection. 

(A/N: A dizzying photo......)

"Hey, there

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"Hey, there." Jinjin smiled. 

"Hey, what's going on here?" She asked. 

"I'm just cooking up some breakfast for everyone to share." He replied. 

"Oh good, I'm starving." She smiled. 

She sat at her place at the table and got ready to serve her favourite things. 

After all of the members arrived, they all tucked into their breakfast and munched. 

"So has anyone been given presents yet?" Sanha asked. 

"I have!" Everyone exclaimed. 

"And people say there's no Santa claus." Jinjin rolled his eyes. 

"Is everything already for our guests to arrive?" Moonbin asked.

"Guests?" She asked. 

"Oh yeah, I haven't told you. Loads of oru friends are going to be coming and it's going to be so muhch fun than the typical family christmas, if you know what I mean." Jinjin replied. 

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