Love Games - EXO Chen

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A/N: I think I have a clear thought over what I dreamt about last night...... and at the same time, I don't really know. 

Anyway, let's get started! 


Spite is such an odd reaction. They are humans either refuse to do something because another person wants them to do it or we do something when told not to. Growing up with my childhood friend, they always said they were like sisters. They loved the same foods and binge-watched the same shows, often times we'd finish each other's sentences like siblings. Around their school years, she started to notice something about her- well not necessarily her, but her brother, Jongdae. He radiated boyfriend material!

(A/N: Forget boyfriend material, he's husband material!)

Seulgi's crush on him started to become difficult to hide and Rose started to notice

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Seulgi's crush on him started to become difficult to hide and Rose started to notice. She and her were sitting in the library one morning, working on a book report when she locked eyes with Jongdae from across the room. He smiled at me, making her feel all warm inside. She sent him a faint smile back and felt a little pinch on her arm.

"Y/n? What are you staring at?" Rose said with an amused smile. She tried to search the room to find out what grasped her attention only to find her brother quickly turning away from us. "Wait... Are you two...?"

"No, we're not. I was just-"

"Giving him the look." She finished for me. "Oooh, this is perfect. You two can start dating, then after graduation, he'll propose and we'll be sisters for real! YES!"

"Shh!" The librarian hissed.

Rose sat back in her seat, settling herself before she went on. "He clearly likes you back. If you want to go out with him, you have my blessing."

"Rose, I'm not into Jongdae. I was looking in his general direction and he happened to look back."

Rather than respond to me, she just raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Whatever you say, sis..."

Ever since that day, She has been caught up in a real-life Parent Trap situations. Countless times she has been locked in rooms with Jongdae, receiving flirty texts from him only to find out it was Rose who stole his phone. In the midst of all this, Jongdae and her have gotten really close, but she never gave Rose the satisfaction. Oddly enough, she tried to distance myself from Jongdae a few times.

As the years passed, Rose's shenanigans wore down, Jongdae and her didn't really talk much as a result and things were nearly back to the way they were. But their lives were different. They weren't kids in school anymore and every time she looked at him, she didn't have as many butterflies, there were more! She would even think about him and be consumed in thoughts of how we would have ended up together. Maybe they'd still be together now and hearing wedding bells in the distance. It was easier to keep her feelings for him under wraps because of the distance in their social lives, but as long as her best friend- his sister is around, they always have an excuse to bump into each other.

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