Jungle law - SF9 Zuho

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A/N; I couldn't dream about last night, but I do have a surprise for all the SF9 fans, so let's get to it! 


Minnie has been invited to go to Law of The Jungle for the week. Since nature is her element, this is going to be such a breeze for her. She knows more about nature than anyone so you could say that she was detined for this moment. 

"Will there be anyone else that will be coming?" She asked. 

"Mmm.... MAMAMOO's Hwasa will be coming, and so are Arin and Seunghee. Oh, and there's a secret at the airport for you." 

"Really? I like surprises, what is it?" She asked. 

"You're just have to wait till we get to ther airport." 

The staff was busy holding their laughter in whilst she's confused on what they mean. 

At the airport, Minnie went over to her friends and they hugged her back as she hugged them. 

"Wow, Hwasa. Have you dyed your hait this time around?" Minnie asked.

"Thought I might as well go for blonde. It really suits me, don't you think?" Hwasa asked. 

"Yeah, it totally suits you!" Arin beamed, "Oh yeah, Minnie, did the staff told you that there's a surprise for you here?" 

"Yeah, how come?" Minnie asked. 

"Look behind you." Seunghee giggled. 

Minnie did looked behind her and her breath hitched in her throat. Zuho was on her way before he waved over to them. 

(A/N: Sketchy...... but we can make it work.....)

"Oh, hi

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"Oh, hi. I didn't seem to see you here. I thought it would be someone else, but I'm glad it wasn't." He said. 

"Uh huh....." Minnie blushed, "I'm glad you can make it." 

The girls giggled at their conversation whilst the two blushed. 

As they have boarded on the plane, Minnie and Zuho was sitting on the plane together.

"So I heard that nature is your element?" He asked. 

"Yeah, actually, I'm the fairy of nature and I'm from thekingdom of Lynphea." She whispered so no one else can hear her. 

"Oh cool. Wait, so that means you're a guardian fairy?" He asked.

"Yeah, of the magical universe. It's a big responsiblity, but we care for this planet." She replied. 

"You know, Minnie? With you on this trip, I think this is going to be so much fun and very economical too." He said. 

"Really? Do you like nature as much as I do?" She asked. 

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