Beg for me - NCT 127/U Jungwoo

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A/N: It's offically mother's day, everyone! Dad wants us to go to Nandos because of today, but I told him no. I don't know if that's confirmed or not, but anyway.....

Let's get on with the story! 


I was sitting on the curb outside the restaurant, beneath the cold, unforgiving stars. This is where you were meant to meet your boyfriend. Icy rain snakes down the back of your glittery dress. I re-read his text.

Sorry, couldn't make it. Work thing.

I feel tears rush to your eyes. It's one little dinner. So why do you feel like a hole's been punched through your chest? The last few months, I've been feeling so alone.

The only number I know by heart is my best friend Jungwoo's.

Jungwoo picks up on the first ring. "If you called just to get off on my voice, I'm hanging up," he says, jokingly.

I laugh a little, but it comes out a sob. Jungwoo always knows what to say.

His voice is suddenly serious. "Where are you, Y/n?"

I name the restaurant.

"Sit tight. I'm coming to get you."

The cab of Jungwoo's truck is warm and dry. Me and Jungwoo are squeezed next to each other – but you relish his warm shoulder pressed against you.

(A/N: Kinda cute, don't you agree?)

(A/N: Kinda cute, don't you agree?)

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"He stood you up, didn't he?"

Jungwoo's voice is hard with anger.

"Don't say it like that." You pout. "You're acting like he did it on purpose or something."

"He did do it on purpose, Y/n." His fingers flex against the wheel, like he wants to form fists. "Can't you see? He doesn't give a damn about you."

"I know you never like my boyfriends, but-"

Jungwoo grits his teeth. "You think I'm saying this because I don't like him? Sure, he's a smug little jerk, but-" he notices me glaring at him, and his voice softens. "My feelings don't matter. What matters is that you let him walk all over you."

"What do you know?" I scoff. "You've never been in a relationship. They need compromise."

Jungwoo's voice wavers with emotion. "You would never have to compromise with me."

Not this again.

When Jungwoo first confessed his feelings for you a year ago, I refused him. I wished you could be friends, like before.

I should've known he was too stubborn for that.

Jungwoo looks deep into my eyes. His are the colour of autumn leaves, flecked with gold. I know that colour so well.

I realise I've parked in your street. I have no idea when the truck stopped. When I', with Jungwoo, time ceases to exist.

"I would never stand you up, Y/n. I would never tell you who to hang out with. I would never make you feel any less than the beautiful person you are." Jungwoo stares into my eyes, so intensely it makes me nervous. "I would bring in candied cherries for you every day."

Those are myyour favourite food. I only told Jungwoo once, years ago. "You remembered?"

It's impossible to think with Jungwoo's eyes on mine. So I screw my eyelids shut.

"Just... stop," I beg. "Stop doing this. I can't give you what you want... but I can't bear to lose you."

"Are you happy with him?"

You can't lie. Jungwoo knows you too well for that.

"He... gets me, Jungwoo. It's not all proposals and roses, like in the movies. He accepts all my imperfections. Not... many people would do that."

Jungwoo smiles sourly. "I can't believe he made you feel like you're not perfect."

My heart flutters. I realise how close he is to me. His ragged breaths are audible in the silent truck.

Jungwoo moves closer, till his lips are almost touching mine. To my surprise, every part of my body screams at him to move closer.

"Say it," he murmurs. "Say you feel nothing for me."

The heat from his body radiates over me. He moves a fraction of an inch closer.

I can't say it, because I can't lie to Jungwoo. When Jungwoo touches me, I can't talk, can't breathe, can't do anything but burn.

"Say you don't want me and I'll walk away," he says.

"I don't-" I start, even though my eyes are hooded with pleasure and my lips brush his. "I don't want..."

Unable to hold back, I press my lips to Jungwoo's.

The kiss clouds my brain like alcohol, destroying all your inhibitions. Without thinking, I'm kissing him deeper, his hands running through my wet hair. I'm straddling him on his car seat, sparks shooting wildly around your body.

Every moment was leading to this. Every time I glanced at Jungwoo and realised he was staring at me, every time my hands brushed and it set me on fire, every time I hugged and neither of us wanted to let go.

It feels so right.

That is why you barely feel guilty for cheating on him. Jungwoo is who I was were meant to be with. How can you regret my destiny?

When I pull back, Jungwoo's face is flushed and his hair is a mess. Realising I probably look the same, we both start laughing.

"Sorry to break it to you, but you're in pretty bad shape," I whisper, resting your forehead on Jungwoo's.

"Speak for yourself," he answers.

He lifts his chin and kisses me lightly on the lips. "God, I love being able to do that."

"Don't get too used to it." I say, teasingly. "I'm sure I'll get bored of you soon."

"In that case, I'll just keep fighting for you." Jungwoo's face is serious now. "I'll never stop fighting for you, Y/n."

"Good." I kissed his lips. "Because I'm never letting you go."

"You better not. I've already lost you once, I'm not losing you again." He said. 

My smile faltered a little bit. 

"Jungwoo, I'm so sorry for rejecting you. I guess I was just scared that once something goes wrong, our friendship will be ruined forever." I said, "Heck, I'm surprised you even have feelings all this time." 

"Hey, look. Love can a big risk to some people, but there's nothing to be afraid of. All you have to do is just believe in yourself." He replied, "You know, just be confident once in a while, you'd get all the respect you deserve." 

I nodded firmly before leabing over to his shoulder. 


A/N: Isn't Jungwoo the best boyfriend ever?

See you next time!!!



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