May nothing come between us - Younghoon

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A/N: I forgot to do this start this story yesterday because I thought that I can just wing it off, but apprently not. Anyway, let's get on with this story! 


"Anna, have the couples reached their poisitons?" I asked. 

"Rest assured. I've already checked them. The cameraman will report to me regarding the status of the drone. Just relax being the bride of the day. If you keep running around, the make-up artist's efforts for two hours will be in vain." She said. 

"Thank you so much." I said. 

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and the company planned a "Fairytail Dreamland" themed collective wedding. 

We visited all the wedding companies in the city and finally found 99 couples who were willing to join the collective shooting at the "Fairytail Dreamland" theme park in Seoul.

We would arrange the 99 couples to stand in different spots in the park, from the lawn at the entrance of the park to the retro street in front of the castle, to the church decorated wuth flowers. 

Drones equipped with cameras would fly across the park according to the scheduled path of the shooting, and the couples would pose as the instructed when the drone passed. 

We wanted to record the fairy tale atmosphere of the park and the happiness the couples using the "one shot" method. 

Unluckily, two days before the shooting, several couples had to cancel due to emerngeices. Having no other options, we could only stand in ourselves. 

Willow, Kiki and I had to particpate to meet the target of 99 couples.

I tided my white hairline. Although the wedding gown was borrowed and the groom wasn't real, I couldn't help feeling excited. Every girl has probably dreamed of wearing a wedding gown.

After all, it was really beautiful.....

Should I take a photo to show him?

We last contacted three days ago. I wionder if his mission went well.....

As I was thinking about that, my phone rang. It was my "groom", Minor.

Hey, boss....

Minor actually sounded sleepy!

Are.... are you still at home? The shooting is starting in half an hour! 

I..... I stayed up late and slept at four. Can I just take a day off?


This was the "fairy tale wedding" I'd been preparing for two months.

And yet Minor stood me up at the last moment before the shooting?

"You are my partner. Who will take your place if you are not here?" I said, feeling upset.

"What's wrong? Minor won't come?" Anna asked. 

"Come here immedaitely! I'll ask the cameraman to wait here for you. If you don't show up in half an hour, I will....." I said.

Wait, boss, let me finish. Although I can't come, your groom will not be absent. 

Huh? What do you mean?

"I'm not late, am I?" A familair voice sounded from behind. 

As I turned around, I was astonished and bedwillered. The man in a suit and leather shoes stood just a few steps from me. 

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