Finally Found You - ITZY Ryujin

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A/N: So my time has one again come back to haunt me, but it's not that bad because  think this has to do with stress. I've heard it from somewhere that sometimes it van happen when you're stressed and I wouldn't say it's stress, but more of my imagination wise.

Anyway, I dreamt of another school dream apparently. And on that note, let's get started! 


"When you hear it, you'll know you've met the one." Mingrui's mother said to him as he stared at her starry-eyed and filled with so much excitement.

Since he was a kid, he dreamt of the day he met the love of your life, his perfect half, his soulmate. Just like his parents did when they were young. He lived with the idea of the unmistakable ringing in your head when he met the person he was destined to be with.

Every relationship he entered, he'd hoped to hear that ringing that he so desperately sought after to no avail.

Sure, all his peers made fun of you. But he always wanted the storybook love story and if people wanted to laugh at him, to hell with them.

Of course though, as he grew older, he had to put your search for your soulmate on the back-burner and had to think more realistically. Then he started to pursue his academics before he dropped out to become a trainee under JYP Entertainment. As he was one of the ace trainees, he had the opportunity to work with a lot of idols. He got along with most of them, in fact they considered him a good friend.

And then there was the headache that was Shin Ryujin.

(A/N: Don't let her fool you, otherwise, she won't be afraid to show you any guff.)

Although Itzy's Center was charming and kind to almost everyone and honestly, he couldn't really say that she was terrible company, but she was a notorious flirt

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Although Itzy's Center was charming and kind to almost everyone and honestly, he couldn't really say that she was terrible company, but she was a notorious flirt. And she knew just how to push his buttons.

From the moment they both met during one of Itzy's dance rehearsals, she was absolutely insufferable. Always following him around and asking him personal questions, all while making sure to flirt with himincessantly. While he wouldn't mind the attention,he knew she wasn't his soulmate.

There was no ringing after all.

"Hey gorgeous!" Ryujin's voice rang through the halls of the company building. He reluctantly turned around to see the confident grin on the dancer's face as she held out a bottle of water for you to take. He smiled the light irritation away. "Shouldn't you be at practice, Ryujin?"

She begun walking backwards, making sure that she would continuously see his face. "I wanted to make sure you had water. Wouldn't want you to be all fatigued while I'm not there to catch you if you fall." Ryujin explained as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Plus, I wanted to see you." She added with a cocky smirk. Heat started to fill his cheeks as he rolled your eyes. He was irritated with her but he also couldn't deny that the dancer was indeed attractive and the way she hyper-fixated on you also made him flustered.

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