From besties to lovers - Mingi

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A/N: I don't know if i'm even on my time of month, or that my system is just trying to tick me off, but anyway, it's the life that we have to live with so I'm not suprised. 

Anyway, let's get on with the story!!!!


As I was getting things from my locker before heading out to lunch, someone scared me with a jumpscare. I was about to pund that fucking bastard until I turned around to see that it's my number one BFF in the world, Song Mingi. 

(A/N: Seems a little bit off, but look at that smile..... how can you not fall in love with that smile?)

He shared a goofy smile as I smacked him lightly

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He shared a goofy smile as I smacked him lightly. 

"Are you trying to give me a panic attack?" I scolded him. 

"Sorry, but your reaction is so damn priceless." He giggled. 

I can't help but to laugh since I couldn't really be mad at him. I soon spotted a little pice of paper that has my intials on it. 

"What's that?" I asked. 

"I don't know, but it's addressed to you. I think you should read and see what it says." He said. 

I did as he told me and opened up the pink note with glitter. It reads: 

I hide my feelings, keep them locked up. I LIKE YOU ALOT, I just can't say it to your face. I wish I could tell you. Even though I get mad because of your friends. My crush on you stays because I am afraid you will feel the same. I have come to a conclusion.....


I hope you feel the same. Cause you make me laugh even when I can't even smile at the same time. 

I almost felt myself tearing up with this little note. 

"I have a secret admirer and whoever it is, is so poetic." I showed him, "I don't know whteher to be happy or sad about this because of the words." 

"Well, I say you should be happy because whoever it could be, must have some serious feelings for you." He said, "And something tells me that they will be plenty more pretty soon." 

"You think so?" I asked him. 

"I know so." He stared in my eyes, "Now let's get some food. My stomach won't stop rumbling since 3rd period." 

I giggled and closed my locker, following him behind. 

The next day, me and some of my friends were walking through the corridors of the busy school. 

"I still can't believe you said that to a teacher!" I laughed.

"Well, she is nothing but a stink by who only cares about herself and if I get the chance to say it to the whole class again, I would do it in a heartbeat!"

"What if you get into trouble?!" 

"Please, whether you're doing your work or not, this bastard will always find a way to blame you no matter what! It's sickening. It's like a raging godzilla!" 

"Godzilla? She's mean, but she can't be that mean." I scoffed.

"Okay, fine. But that doesn't mean she's off the hook; every now and then, she makes us leave in fear and tears and it's sickening."

"I totally agree." 

"Me too, it's good for you to stick up and use your voice for justice and impudence." 

"Uh, yeah.... that's what I was going for." 

"Hey, Y/N. What's that over there?" 

I looked over to see there's a pink paper with my initials on it again. 

It's him again.....

I opened it and read on what it says this time. 

You have no idea how much I like you, how much you make me smile, how much I love talking to you, or how much I wish you were mine.

"Aww....." I cooed at the note. 

"Aww' is right. How come you get to have a secret admirer and I can't?" 

"Maybe because your breath smells like rancid tomato sauce." 

"Burn!" We all choursed. 

"Whatever, who do you think it could be, Y/N?" 

"I don't know.... it could be anyone." I said. 

The next  month had come and more notes had applied on my locker and even with some gifts. From sweets, to clothes, I can't help but to wonder even more of who this mystery secret admirer could be.

So we decided to put in a little mini camera in my locker and find who is this secret admirer once and for all. It's connected to my tablet and we all watched it to see if anything's happened yet.

After a while, we see Mingi coming to my locker and secretly put a note on my locker. We all gasped in shock as we all looked at each other. 

"What on earth?!" 

"Mingi is your secret admirer?!?!" 

"This makes so much more sense!" 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"Does anyone notice how he blushes whenever he's around you? Or how much he stares at you lovingly?" 

"Now that you think about it, he also likes to make flirty comments too and sometimes stutter over his words from time to time." I recountered. 

After discovering that Mingi is the one that send those notes, I told him I wanted to talk on the school rooftop with him and he agreed. 

The perfect weather was in our hands with the sun in our faces and the wind blowing our hair.

"So what do you want to talk about?" He asked. 

"It's you. You're my secret admirer, aren't you?" I skipped to the point. 

He gasped and looked around the floor before meeting with mine. 

"Yes.... I know it's a little bit of a shocker, but I really do love you. More than a friend. All of those feelings inside me are mostly happiness, love, and all of above whenever I'm with you. I understand you don't feel the same, but I need to get this off my chest because I can't contain my feelings for you any longer." He confessed. 

I stepped closer to him and touched his face with a look in my eyes. 

"Me too, Mingi. Me too. I love to be your girlfriend." I smiled happily. 

I leaned over for a kiss as he did the same thing and our lips have melted into the sun. 


A/N: I can't with this story, you guys..... 

Anyway, see you next time!!!



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