You're my princess - Keonhee

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A/N:  So first of all, dad keeps begging me to go to work with him even though I told him that I don't even want to go in the first place. And then, mum decided to piss me off about something....

I swear to god, parents can be such bitches! 

Anyway, let's get on with the story!


The doorbell had ran and I checked to see that it's no other than my best friend, Keonhee! 

(A/N:  Apart from the background, this is euphorical!)

Me and Keonhee are best friends and are also obsessive game partners

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Me and Keonhee are best friends and are also obsessive game partners. Our favourite games are Mario Kart and Final fantasy remake. My favourite character is Cloud because he might be cold, but inside he has the biggest heart. 

As for Keonhee, he loves Tifa because he thinks she's beautiful and amazing and the best thing about it is that Tifa and Cloud have been best friends since childhood just like us! Only I don't hide my feelings often. 

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I've got some snacks for us to share. I've got some crisps, some soda and even some Kipling cakes and chocolate truffles." He said. 

"No way! How did you know that I love the truffles?" I asked. 

"I've known you for my whole life and plus, I remember the one time where you first tastes them and you searcehd them for days and days just to have them, Luckily for you, I saved you the trouble by getting them for you with a shope that's like full of them." He explained. 

"Oh my god, I love you so much!" I hugged him. 

He hugged me back with a big blush and smile on his face. 

"Anything for my princess." He said. 

One of the things that I love about him is that he likes to call me princess from time to time. However, most of our friends keep teasing us about it because we're the type of people who acts like they're not together, but the feelings are too powerful inside. In other words, we have feelings for each other but too shy to say so. 

"Right, let's get set up." I said, breaking apart the hug. 

"Right." He said. 

We started Mario Kart and picked our chacarcters. We then decided then  on the 150cc cup because we both like to have a challenge. 

"Wait!" I said, "Before we start, how about we bet something?" 

"Ooh, okay. Wait a minute, they're 4 track in each cup, which means there's a liekly hood for us tpo be a tie." He asked. 

"Well, how about this? If I got more points than you, then you have to do anything I say for the whole week. No matter how ridicolous or how angry you'll be come." I said. 

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