Nobody like you - NCT U/WayV/Super M Lucas

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At school, I was just talking to some of my friends when the teacher came in. However, her hair is all messy and she looked like she's been drinking once again, which no surprise for the rest of us. 

"Alright, everyone. Pay attention like the awesome students I know you are. Starting this week, you'll be studying for a pop quiz at the end of the month. You can work with a group, a partner, or you could just do it yourself. We need 110%, nothing left." 

Most of the students groaned in despair while some, like me, have been waiting for this moment.

"Y/N, this is something we know you're good at." 

I laughed at my friend's comment about me. It's true, I always do have the best scores out of everyone because I do a heck lot of studying, and even know I'm a nerd and like to be called 'Loser' from time to time, that doesn't stop from having friends. 

"Yeah, you're like a walking enclopyedia." 

"Oh, come on. You guys can also get good grades too if you also study harder." I reassured them. 

"Do you really mean it?" 

"Of course I do. I beliee you, in all of you." I smiled proudly. 

Class periods have soon ended and I put my books in the locker for next time, when I heard someone say my name. I looked over to see someone that I least expect. 

Lucas, captain of the basketball team and the school's casanova, coming over to me.

(A/N: Look at that beautiful picture!!!!!)

 I wanted to pinch myself to see I was dreaming, and if it is, I don't want to wake up from it

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

 I wanted to pinch myself to see I was dreaming, and if it is, I don't want to wake up from it. Everybody loves him and every now and then, there's always a bunch of girls screaming and swooning. 

I mean, who wouldn't? He's so cute, he's a funny guy and he has such a wonderful personailty. It wasn't too long when we beomce face to face with each other. 

"H-hey....Lucas..." I blushed, "Do you need help with anything?" 

"Yeah, this pop quiz. I know it's just a silly little pop quiz and it won't do any harm, but I really need some help." He replied, "My parents and I had a major argument and thanks to my lack of knowledge quiz, it bumped my average big time. If I don't get a good enough grade, I can kiss my basketball shoclarship goodbye." 

I covered my hand, truly shocked. Everyone knows that he would love to be a famous basketball player one day, so this is truly a big deal.

"Don't worry, Lucas. I'll help you." I placed a hand on his firm shoulder. 

"You will?" His eyes light up. 

I gave a confident response, confirming my answer. He sighed in happiness, almost fainting in relief. 

"Thank you so much.... you have no idea how much you're saving my life now." He replied. 

I giggled in response. 

"So where should we do this?" He asked. 

"Hmm.... my house, this weekend?" I suggested. 

"Sounds perfect." He confirmed. 

He left thanking me again and I watch him leave. People all around us are probably wondering what's going on between us and my friends came dashing toward me. 


"Tell me that did that not just happened." 

"Um.... what?" I pretended to be clueless. 

"Don't play dumb. Lucas, LUCAS, has asked you for a favor!" 

"You got to tell us everything!" 

"Hahahaha, I'll tell you, I'll tell you." I said calming them down. 

The weekend had come along and Lucas shown up to our house as promised. I opened the door, welcoming him with a bright smile. 

We went to the living room and got all of the material that we needed to revise. This month's pop quiz is about Maths so I brought in a textbook and some paper for us to workout. 

It seemed easy, but the thing is that it's a mixture of hard and easy questions. So as we did the easy ones in a snap, I tackled the hard ones. 

"Wait, Y/N. How do you work out with his question?" He asked. 

"Give it here. There are 2 methods that we can do to answer it." I said. 

"Well, which one is the easiest?" He asked. 

"The easiest one is the line method. It seems a bit complicated, but not as much as the brick method." I said. 

I wrote down the equation and explained each step of the line method so he'd understand. When I look up, I can see him zoned out.

I tapped my pencil, snapping him out of his daze. 

"Sorry, it's just that.... you look so pretty." He admitted, placing a hand on his chin. 

My heart stopped when I hear that. It pounded so loud that I was afraid he might hear it.

The end of the month had come and I walked over to Lucas. 

"How you're feeling?" I asked. 

"I feel nervous, but I'm also feeling excited and calm too. Is that a good thing?" He asked. 

"Well, we studied very much for this, so I'm sure you'll be fine." I replied. 

The teacher had arrived, in her non-drunken stage, passed around the papers through the class. 

Few days later, the results have come out and Lucas is quick to hug me.

"I've passed the quiz!" He beamed. 

"Lucas, that's amazing!" I hugged him back and we celebrated by doing a little dance. 

"You know what else is amazing? You." He said, looking at me, "If it wasn't for you, this wouldn't ever happened." 

We looked at each other, never minding anyone around us. He leaned into my lips and I did too as they melted each other in perfect harmony. We pulled apart from each other, still in the moment. 

"I know it's bad timing saying this, but that is my first kiss." He said. 

"Wait? What? Then that means.... we're each other's first kiss!" I exclaimed

"I hope it's not a problem." He said.

"Of course not. And even though I'm not the only one, I really like you. I'm a bit shy to say it because you mught  have someone else in mind....." I confessed. 

"Don't be.... because I like you too." He confessed, smiling.


A/N: If that kind of thing happens to me, I would be screaming my fucking head off. 

See you next time!!!



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