Gone with the wind - TREASURE Mashiho

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A/N: I do remember in my dream that I talked to some of my friends and there's a mixture of a spider man theme of some kind. Either that or something else, I don't know. 

Anyway, I've something great for TREASURE fans, so stay tuned! 


I headed over to the school where we get to shoot our very first own special web drama. It's like a ghost romance story with a sense of horror, so I'm looking excited to do this. People might get confused over why there's romance in what's supposed to be scary, but we didn't. 

Besides, in horror movies, there are some kisses here and there. 

Anyway, after getting my makeup done in the trailer, I've heard a knock on the door. 

I looked over to see Mashiho with the biggest smile on his face. 

(A/N: Wow, he looks familair some how......)

"Hey, babe

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"Hey, babe. How are you feeling?" He asked. 

"Oh, just super nervous. I can't believe that we're really using our powers on set." He said. 

See, the thing about him and the TREASURE boys is that they're ghosts. Don't worry, they're not killer ghosts, they're reallly nice ones, but sometimes they can get really crazy around Halloween. 

Last Halloween scared me to the death of the bones that it was enough to make my hair turn all white. 

"I know, but don't worry, we're only going to use special effects to make it look like it." I said. 

"That's good." He replied. 

So the synpopsis is that there's a ghost that's wondering about in this class and it's up to us to figure out who is this ghost so we don't have to suffer again. I'm going to be playing Mashiho's love interest in this and Mashiho's going to be the real ghost when the fake ghost is Asahi. 

"Okay and action!" 

The director yelled and we went over our ines like swimmingly. We were all hanging around in class and talking like some usual. 

"Hey, did anyone notice that there's a ghost lurking about?" I asked. 

"A ghost? What ghost?" Mashiho asked. 

"There's this ghsot that's been the hot topic of this school recently. Apparetnly, the class next door was having a test and then all of a sudden, the mic was online and someone was breathing heavily and finishing off with some ghostly moan. 

"I'm prettu sure someone is trying to give people the chills." Asahi replied. 

"You think?" I asked. 

"Well, I think it's a whole lot of bullshit if you ask me." Haruto replied. 

"Yeah, there's no way this school will be even haunted." Jaehyuk replied, "I think people are just watching too many horror movies nowadays." 

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