Blind dates & Jealousy - Kai

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A/N: As usual, nothing is ever happening in this house. Although, I do have some news to share with you all, so stay tuned for that! 

But right now, we have a story so let's get started!! 


"Miss Y/N, you know, my aunt said a lot of nice things about you. Looks like she was right." 

"*faking smile*.... I'm flattered, but she's too kind..." I said. 

"And you're too modest, Y/N." 

"*Being nice* You're the one who was the child prodigy, Chandler." I said. 

Throughout this boring conversation, my mind more than once turned to Kai and how I stood him up.

I happened to be free this weekend, so I asked Kai to have lunch together. 

As I was worrying what to wear today, my phone suddenly rang.....

Hey,  are you there already? 

Y/N? It's been so long. Are you free today? 

It was an old family friend, "Aunt" Susan. I hadn't seen her in years.....

Aunt Susan! You're back? 

Yes, but I'm leaving happily. You free today, Y/N? Let's have lunch together.

....That's such a short visit....

Yeah, but I miss you too much. You mis me too, right? Hahahaha.....

"Aunt" Susan always treated me like her own daughter ever since I was a child. She helped our family pull through several tough times. 

Later she immigrated, and I haven't seen her much. It could be another several years before I have another chance to see her....

Okay, Aunt Susan. Where shall we meet?.....

So I flaked on Kai, but I didn't know that it was a trap until I arrived at the resturant....

"*waving at me from a distance* Y/N, over here!" 

"*meeting Aunt Susan* It's been a long time indeed. I really missed you." I smiled. 

"Oh my, you look even more gorgeous than ever!" 

"And you look exactly the same...." I complimented her.

"*pointing at a young man in a suit* This is my nephew, Chandler. He's the general manager of an internet company. *wihspering to me* Both handsome and rich.... The two of you can make friends." 

"Hello, Y/N." 

"*Trying to smile* Hello, Chandler." I said. 

"Oh goodness, turns out I have somewhere else to be. I must be getting old, Y/N. My memory's going. Sorry..... Chandler, take good care of Y/N." 

"Aunt Susan...." I started. 

Aunt Susan winked at me and left.

So I am on a "blind date". I kept thinking about Kai as I muddled through the conversation with Chandler. 

Just then, a familair sound came from the entrance of the resturant. 

"*excited* Let's eat here. They've got the best chilli...." 

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