Christmas eve - Wonho

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A/N: I don't know what I really dreamt of last night, but I have to say with hosntely, that my time of month has finally come here once again. 

Oh well, we have a story to do and some surprises too, so let's get started!!!!


It's Christmas eve at Wonho's place and everyone is dancing to the beat. They're having so much fun dancing, drinking and even gifting presents so they can open them on the big day. 

"I can't believe Christmas is literally tomorrow." Wonho said. 

(A/N: Wow...... looking fine as ever.)

"I know, I can't wait to spend it with my family

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"I know, I can't wait to spend it with my family." Ningning replied. 

"Wow, that's a thing I never hear often." Wonho said. 

"What can you say? She's defintely a family girl from the beginning of time." Jungwon came into the scene and wrapped an arm around her. 

"That I couldn't agree more." Wonho said. 

Heeseung was sitting outside, never minding the bittercoldness that's brushing against his skin. He looked up to the moon before shuddering himself. That wasn't when a coat has been wrapped around him. 

He looked to see all of his best friends and Karina with the softest eyes. 

"What are you lot doing here?" Heeseung asked. 

"We've been worried sick about you." Wooyoung said. 

"You're freezing from head to toe, babe." Karina said. 

"I'm surprised you guys will even come after the incident....." Heeseung said. 

A few weeks back, Karina noticed that he doesn't have a reflection in the mirror, his eyes were glowing red and he has two bite marks on his neck. As she told the others about it, they were shocked but knew instantly that Heeseung will never harm anyone or mean any harm. 

"I'm a monster." Heeseung looked down to the floor. 

"No, you're not. You have a very generous heart, Heeseung." Hyunjin said. 

"But I've kept this secret from you guys for ages. You probably think I'm disgusting." Heeseung replied. 

"No way. Having a vampire as a friend is so cool." Yeonjun replied. 

"Yeah! And why would we think you're disgusting? This is the real you and if people have a hard time understanding that, then that's their problem." Karina reassured. 

"And plus, we've got some secrets of our own." Wooyoung said. 

"What are they?" Heeseung asked. 

Yeonjun revealed his horns whilst Hyunjin transformed himself to a werewolf. Heeseung was amazed before looking at the other 3. 

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