Traitor - VAV Lou

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A/N: I dreamt that I have a lot of yellow glittery pens and I don't know whether I should enjoy that or not. Even though I love yellow, too much can be a little..... obnoxious and my mom keeps bringing them in for some reason. 

Anyway, I also dreamt of the powerpuff girls z. I remember watching it ferom start to finish when I was young and even narrowed it down to some favourite ones. 

Moving on, let's get started since I've got a surprise for VAV fans! 


Jisoo is just at her phone texting her best friends when Lou came in. 

(A/N: Holy shit.....)

"Hey, Jisoo

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"Hey, Jisoo. What are you doing?" He asked. 

"Oh, I'm just texting to my best friends. Is there anything you want or....?" Jisoo asked. 

"Oh..... nothong much. I just thought that you might need something to drink. I mean, working on all of these missons can be exhausting from time to time." He replied. 

"Hmm..... you've got a point there." She replied. 

She gladly took the drink from his hands and then, suddenly felt something that is not right. She started to cough before looking over at him who was smirking. It wasn't until she finally laid there uncoinscious. 

As soon as she woke up, she found herself dangling in midair. 

Ugh..... where the heck am I?


She looked to see Seungcheol hanging from middair and all bruised as well. 

"Boss! You're okay!" She said.

2 weeks ago, S.Coups have been kidnapped and everyone has been working tirelessly in orer to find him and where he was been kept. They tried everything and they were getting close to give up, but they love their boss so much that there's no way that they can give up on him.

"Yeah..... but for how long?" He asked. 

"I don't know..... let me guess, Lou the traitor had set you up on this, didn't he?" She asked. 

"How did you know?" He asked. 

"He offered me posion and this is how I ended up." She answered. 

"You wanna know why he had set you up?" 

They looked over to Hongbin and N with his arms crossed. 

"We're sick and tired for always losing to you people, so we thought we can get a spy to come and finish you off for good and man, is he getting paid some?" Hongbin cackled. 

"Defintely." N smirked. 

The two looked at each other in shock and confusion. They believed Lou was a friend and a true person that kept to his word. And speaking of the devil, he entered the scene and glared at the two. 

"Why are you doing this to us. Lou? We have you everything, we trusted you!" Jisoo exclaimed. 

"That's where you made a big mistake." Lou replied, "I never cared about any of your girls or your stupid boss..... I just want to be fucking rich and these guys defintely know how to make my dreams happen." Lou crossed his arms. 

"Ugh...... you wait until the others hear about this!" She exclaimed. 

"Oh, I would like to see you try." He smiled. 

Meanwhile back at the hideout, I looked over for Jisoo, but she wasn't anywhere to be found. 

"Guys, I think I'm getting a hunch of what is happening right now." I replied. 

"What could that be?" Jennie asked. 

"How come whenever Lou is with someone, they always disappear? Like it happened with Seungcheol and now with Jisoo." I thought, "I think something strange is going on." 

"Yeah..... you might be right. Like Seungcheol has been missing for weeks and we haven't heard anything about Jisoo. Do you think we have a spy in the group?" Lisa asked. 

"It's a possiblity. Someone from Dynamite." Jennie said. 

"And that could only mean one thing. Lou is the Dynamite spy!!" Rose exclaimed. 

The hit of realization has stung us deep. How could one of our good friends do this to our team? 

"There's one thing that we need to do. We have to rally up SEVENTEEN and let them know the news." I said. 

We arrived at the destination where the teo are located, thanks to Joshua. We all got out with our guns and weapons ready to save our friends. 

"Ahhhh...... looks the whole team had come. We've got the men for the boss and the girls for the girl." N smiled. 

"Let them go!" Vernon yelled. 

"We're going to put you to misery!" Joshua yelled. 

"Isn't that orginal?" Lou asked. 

"Lou..... how could you do this to us? I thought we were your friends, we were your team!" I said. 

"Correction.... this is my team now. They pay me bigger money than you lot can ever have in your piggy back! And with only a simple swift, your little boss and friend will fall and paint the town red with their blood. It will nothing but glorious and we can finally move forward!" He exposed his plan. 

Dynamite men came ready to fight, but we're not going to let them intimidate us. We all got into positions and we shot bullets at them while we hide. Loads of bullets have been fired and I looked over to the two dangling in midair. 

"Hoshi, Jun!" Lisa pointed out. 

Lou and Ravi cut the two little ropes that are hanging by. 

Hoshi and Jun looked at each other before racing for the two. They screamed before they were reached by a safe landing, thanks to their quick thinking and special skills. 

"Are you guys okay?" Hoshi asked. 

"We are now, thanks." Jisoo replied.

"Can you guys fight?" Jun asked. 

"Mm...... slight chance to 0." Seungcheol croaked. 

"Okay.... we'll help protect you guys and put you to the side." Hoshi said. 

Hoshi and Jun helped Jisoo and Seungcheol to their feet before they placed them to their side where no could harm them. 

After the boys have ran out of bullets, our team looked over at Eunwoo's police force pulling up.

"Eunwoo!" I smiled. 

Eunwoo bowed before looking over to Dynamite's team. 

"I hope that we weren't too late." Eunwoo said. 

"No, you're just in time." Lisa replied. 

Dyanmite growled as they got into the cars with Lou following after. We high fived each other after the end of another successful mission before going back home to treat some brusies. 


A/N: Bye, Lou! 

Designer is here for y'all! 

See you next time!!!



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