Snack time! - EXO Xiumin

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A/N: I don't know why, but I dreamt of something that you can only find in a thriller drama or something like that. I dreamt of that a family has been into a car accident and now they're drowning and they're so many people who rushed over to help them with one boy who is possibly the reason of this accident. 

Some of them are safe while others are still trapped inside and then after that, I think I was transitioned into a new family who has moved on to a different country, but I guess she has trouble opf moving ion herself sine the news kept talking about it everywhere.....

My dreams are really becoming like that and I have no fucking idea why..... but anyway, we have a story to do so let's get to it!! 


With popcorn cooking in the pot, Xiumin opened the lid to reveal the overflowing popcorn.

(A/N: Hmmm..... that can work.)

 Quickly, he grabbed the bowls and helped them place into them

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 Quickly, he grabbed the bowls and helped them place into them. 

I came into the kitchen as the sweet smelling popcorn has tingled my senses.

"So how the sancks coming along?" I asked. 

"It's going great, but I need some help. Can you get the cookies out pf the oven while I sort out the popcorn?" She asked. 

"Sure." I nodded my head. 

I opened the steaming oven and the gust of hot air came out of it as I got the oven mitts and carefully placed them to a cooling rack. The sweet candy cookies look almost incredible to eat and they're baked to perfection. 

"Wow..... you should be a cook." I said. 

"Hahahaha, I get that all of the time." He replied. 

"I'm serious and this is only snacks!" I exclaimed. 

"Well, what can I say? It's within my genes." He gave me a wink. 

After getting the snacks out, all of the boysgirls wowed over the treats that were in store for them. 

"Oooh, look at these amazing treats!" Baekhyun said. 

"I can't wait to dig into them!" Chen exclaimed. 

"Me neither! Let's start the movie!" Suho replied. 

We all gathered up in front of the TV and watched Turbo. 

In a suburban San Fernando Valley tomato garden of Van Nuys in Los Angeles, Theo, self-named "Turbo", is a garden snail who dreams of being a racer, just like his hero, five-time Indy 500 champion Guy Gagné. However, his obsession with racing makes him an outcast in the slow and cautious snail community, and a constant embarrassment to his older brother, Chet.

After nearly getting killed by a lawnmower in an attempt to retrieve a fallen tomato, Theo wanders onto a freeway to admire the traffic and wishes upon a star, later revealed to be an airplane, that he could be fast. Suddenly, he is sucked into the supercharger of a Chevrolet Camaro, fusing his molecules with nitrous oxide. When he wakes up, he possesses superspeed and other characteristics of a real car. However, his first attempt to try out his new powers ends with him crashing a boy's tricycle into the garden in which many other snails worked at, resulting in him and Chet getting fired from the garden crew.

Chet angrily scolds Theo for his recklessness, and is snatched by a crow, but is pursued and rescued by Theo at a rundown strip mall called "Starlight Plaza". There, they are captured by Tito Lopez, a taco truck driver who works at the Plaza, and are brought to a snail race held by him and his co-workers. Theo wins the race in a matter of seconds, astounding both the humans and snails alike, earning the respect of the snails, led by Whiplash, and firmly establishing the name "Turbo" as his own. Chet, on the other hand, is not happy with his brother's new ability and wants him to return to normal. Tito dreams of reviving Starlight Plaza, with Turbo as a main attraction, much to his brother and coworker Angelo's annoyance. The snails manage to divert and strand a tour bus to see Turbo's superspeed, bringing impressive business. With this success, Turbo convinces Tito to enter him in the Indy 500 as a competitor, and his coworkers agree to put up the entrance fee and accompany them to Indianapolis.

Tito is initially refused entry into the race, but a chance meeting with Gagné allows Turbo to show off his speed, qualifying for the race via achieving a speed of 226 mph, becoming a sensation on social media and forcing the CEO of IndyCar to reluctantly let Turbo compete. The night before the race, after a heated argument with Chet, who is still unwilling to respect his brother's wishes, Turbo sneaks out to meet Gagné, who reveals his true colors by demoralizing him and warning him to back out of the race. In the race the next day, the racetrack and the more experienced competitors leave Turbo in last place. At a pitstop, Whiplash and his crew give Turbo a pep talk, advising him to stop racing like a car. Turbo uses his small size to his advantage and rapidly gains ground, but Gagné resorts to cheating and knocks him against the wall, damaging his shell and weakening his superspeed.

With one lap to go and Turbo in the lead, Gagné drives over debris on the last turn and overtakes Turbo, inadvertently causing a crash involving most of the competitors, including Turbo, who wakes to find his shell punctured and his superspeed gone, causing him to give up and hide in his shell. Surprised at seeing his brother losing hope, Chet, with a change of heart, braves several dangers to meet with Whiplash's crew and encourage Turbo to continue. Turbo, inspired by the crew's support, resumes the race. Gagné desperately pursues him by dragging his wrecked car, but Turbo narrowly wins and Gagné loses his status.

Starlight Plaza thrives from Turbo's fame, all the businesses become spectacular successes and hold elaborate snail races. Whiplash's crew are given special propulsion aids for their shells, while Chet is the track referee and paramedic, and the garden snails have also received special shells of their own. Turbo discovers that his shell has healed, and his superspeed has returned, now ready to race once again.

In a mid-credits scene, one of the snails from the garden is finally able to tuck into his shell, only to realize that he is too big to come out.


A/N: I remember watching the movie and it's so damn good! I highly recommend that you should go and check it out!

Now here's a surprise for you! Xiumin has come with a brand new MV and I'm not kidding! Check it out: 

See you next time!!!!



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