Summer crushin' on you - Q

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A/N: So first of all, I'm suffering another fake time of month once again, which is a fucking pain in the butt. And the other thing is that my seat is all wet, for goodness sake... I have no idea why, it just became wet.

Anyway, let's get on with the story!!!!


The phone from the counter ringed as you checked who it was. I almost screamed as you saw that it't no other than Q. He's my crush who always make me laugh and I feel I can be myself without him judging me whenever wherever. 

I pressed the answer button and listened to his sing-song voice. 

Hey, Y/N!


How would you like to go to the beach with us? We'll be staying there for a week. 

You sure you guys don't mind?

Not at all! You're one of our besties! It won't be the same if you didn't come. 

Here's that word again...... besties. 

I swallowed a lump in my throat, ignoring that it didn't sting even a little bit. 

Sure, I would love to go. 

Great! Eric and I will pick you on Thursday! 

You checked the calander on your phone. Today's Monday. 

Okay, see you then! 


Thursday had finally arrived and I'm ready to go! Since I'm staying there for a week, I packed all of my belongings onto a small luggage. I then heard a little beep from outside.

I walked towards my window to see that it's Eric and Q, waving at me. I waved them back happily. I spotted Q who's wearing a tank top and some ripped jeans with sneakers. The sunlight hits onto his skin, giving it more of a golden glow. 

(A/N: He looks like ASTRO's Rocky, don't you think?)

(A/N: He looks like ASTRO's Rocky, don't you think?)

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"Y/N, come down here!" Q called out. 

"I'll be right down!" I shouted from above. 

Time passed and we all arrived at the hotel that we're staying at. It's a luxirous 5-star suite which is highly recommended to all the beach goers. The views are spectuacluar, the sea is beautiful emerald green, and the sky can't be any cleare than it is now. 

We checked into the rooms and got into four pairs and a trio. In the midst of the pairing, I get to pair up with the person that I was not expecting at all: Q. 

Half of me is excited that we will be sharing a room together, the other half is totally freaking out because now I'll be living in the same space as my crush. As if looking from a faraway distance isn't enough......

After that, we all dashed towards to the golden beach. The beach is even more beautiful and smoother than I ever imagined. Normally, they will be filled with sharp stones from here and there, but there doesn't seem to any. 

In the midst of my thoughts, New's voice snapped me back to relaity. 

"Hey, Y/N, wanna make a sandcastle with us?" New asked.

"Sure!" I agreed. 

Meanwhile, Q and Juyeon are chilling at the beach, getting a tan. The two of them lifted their sunglasses to check on each other. 

"Wow, you're body is smoking." Juyeon replied. 

"Thanks, so do you." Q complimented. 

As we are making a sandcastles that's fit for the ages, I found some more stones to use for decoration. We continued building and I placed more stones in different places to make it more special. 

"Hey, Y/N,  what do you think of Q?" Kevin asked. 

I stopped doing what I'm doing while stuttering. 

"Come on, you can tell us. It's not like we'll make fun of you or anything." Eric said. 

"Yeah, you're among friends here." Jacob said. 

"Well, if you promise to not tell him otherwise...." I said, "I really like him. He always makes me laugh and puts back the spring on my step when I feel lost or sad. Sure, he might be a huge dork and his screams are nothing but obnioxiously loud, I don't think I can find a better man to spend my life with than Q. He's super sweet and is always willing to help others out by being his usual quirky self. And not forget about his pure smile of his.

Whenever he smiles, he melts all the ice caps around the world and light it up like a firework. I'm just wondering if he's going to feel the same way about me." I said, facing the truth. 

"Y/N, are you kidding? You're all he's talking about lately." Kevin said, "He's always like Y/N this, Y/N that, you're like his obsession."

"No way, really?" I asked with hope in my eyes. 

"Yep!" Eric told me. 

Suddenly, my heart exploded like little fireworks as I knew the offical answer for sure. 

Soon, the sky is getting darker and darker and everyone is getting hungry, so Sangyeon and Younghoon cooked up some BBQ for everyone. 

We all tucked into the meals, savouring the delicious taste.

"Oh man, you guys should be chefs." I smacked my lips. 

"I agree, this is the best BBQ I have ever had and I'm from Canada." Kevin swallowed. 

"Isn't Canada famous for its mayple syrup, ham and bacon?" New asked. 

"Yeah, but that doesn't even come close this delicious delicacy." Kevin replied. 

"You said it, brother." Eric replied. 

After stuffing ourselves and talking some more, it's time to go to bed. I looked over to see Q walking over to the balcony admiring the sea view. I walked over to him and enjoyed the beautiful sea too. 

I cleared my throat and decided to get this out of my way. 

"Q, I like you." I said, "I have been for a long time. Everytime I see you, I feel like my world has opened into a future with endless possible futures. You make everything better whenever you're around and.... I just want you to know how much I love you.

But the truth is..... do you like me?" I asked, shutting my eyes. 

Instead of an answer, he pulled me in softly, his lips in a puckering mode. I leaned in and waited for our lips to collide. As it did, not has it confirmed his feelings, but it was the first kiss of many more to come.


A/N: Does anyone have a summer love? If you do, who is it? 

See you next time!!!



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