My prince charming - Lay

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A/N: So apprently, the curtain rail has fallen down again when all I want to do is find the remote which has took me the whole day to find ysterday and you know what else? 

This curtain rail isn't the first time that it's fallen down like this. Not to mention this chatterbox keeps pointing fingers and keep saying how life is cruel and unfair and how she does all of the work. 

Anyway, enough ranting. Let's get into it!


"Alright, everyone. Pay attention, we have got a big suprise, everyone!" 

We all paid attention to the teacher as he introduced us someone new. He has black hair and he looks like he could be a prince. He's obviously chinese (I can tell by his eyes) and many girls have already started to fan over this person. 

(A/N: This is giving me a butter reference, don't you think?)

(A/N: This is giving me a butter reference, don't you think?)

Oops! Ang larawang ito ay hindi sumusunod sa aming mga alituntunin sa nilalaman. Upang magpatuloy sa pag-publish, subukan itong alisin o mag-upload ng bago.

"Today, we have a big special announcement. A prince have come along to stay in our playgroup. His name is Lay Xhieng and he's from the royal place of the Xhieng dynasty. It will be an honor for him to treat him right and fairly well." 

"Hi, I'm Lay. It's nice to meet you all." 

Many whisperes can already be heard frm around the playgroup. 

"A prince, an actual prince!!" 

"I know, I thought princes only come fairytales!"

"This is so exciting!" 

As the fangirling went on, I immedaitely locked eyes with him and he did the same too before waving. He seems really nice and very friendly so I waved him back. 

After getting all his belongings somewhere in the locker room, it's time for us to do some arts and crafts. I decided to do a flower when he sat next to me and he did a dragon really well. I looked over t it and was surprised to see how incredible it looks. 

It feels like the dragon is flying through the paper.

"Wow, you're awesome!" I beamed. 

"Oh, this? Thanks! It's my family's spirit animal. One day, when I'm old enough, I'll turn into a dragon too like my family." He said. 

"Wait, you have dragon blood?" I asked. 

"Yeah. I don't know when or how I'll do it, but my family also comes from a long range of dragons." He said. 

"That's silly, how can you transform into a dragon? Only maleficent can do that, silly billy." I rolled my eyes, giggling. 

"You'd be surprised. Trust me." He winked. 

And so on that note, that's when we instaly become friends in a few days time. I didn't know when to believe about the dragon scenario or not, but if what he's saying is true, then I have to see thing with my two eyes.

Anyway, we hanged out in each other's homes and Lay's palace is huge! This is the first time that I ever stepped into something fancy before...

His mother is also extreamily beautiful as his son and she is super friendly too. I don't think I can ever compare my lifestyle to his...


I have transfered into college working on my doctor/surgeon exam notes. I haven't heard from Lay since we were back in school. I'm not saying that we don't keep in touch, but he's really busy with his schedule and now that he's older, he has his whole country to look after. 

Still, it would be really nice if he could come and visit our country from to time. Then two bodyguards have stepped into the room and I immedaitely guessed who they are. They're Daeseung and Kim Joochan. 

They're the main bodyguards and that can only mean one thing. 

I see a familiar aura sensed around me as he checked on his surroundings. That was until he had finally spotted me and he hugged me proudly. 

"I'm so glad to see you again, it's been ages!" He excitedly claimed.

"I'm happy to see you too. Man, have you changed." I took a good look at him. 

It's true, he wasn't the same Lay Xhieng who claims to be a prince. He's now fully grown dressed in a golden entire with a dragon emblem on his back. 

"So have you." He said. 

I blushed while looking down on the floor.

"So what are you doing here? Are you here for a visit?" I asked. 

"Nope, guess." He said. 

I tried to guess and then I put two and two together through the roomate lecture I had when I first came here. My eyes immedaitely reacted for when I just realized. 

"Are you're my roomate?!" I asked just to be on the safe side. 

"Yes!" He said eagearly. 

Those words sounds like music sounded straught into my ears. Now we finally get to catch up with all the good times that we have missed on. It will be just like old times before he left for China. 

He said that his course will be based on literature because he always know how to make a speech and come up with a very convicing argument. Something tells me that this is defintely going to be the best year ever with him by my side. 


The bells are ringing and everyone stood up as soon as they saw me in my one in a kind dream gown. I walked down the aisle with my father with a boquet of flowers in my hands before finally making it to the end of the aisle. 

All of our families and friends are there and this all seem like a dream come true to me.

"Friends, it has been a pleasure for you to come and celebrate this memorious occasion. Do you have any vows that you would love to say or should we carry on with the tradition?" 

After we said our vows, the whole cermony was touched over the fine words we exchanged and after saying I do to each other, we are finally pronounced as husband and wife. 

We shared an ultimate sealing kiss to seal the deal and the whole cermony cheered.

"I love you so much, my bright fury." He said. 

"Me too, my night fury." I smiled sweetly.


A/N: I love stories like this.....

See you next time!!!!!



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