Prom night - ITZY

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A/N: Man, did I have a very nostalgic dream or what? It totally brought me back to my childhood dreams when things are just simple......

I'll tell all about, but we have a story to do, so let's get started! 


With prom season right around the corner, it's up to J-hope and ITZY to come and make a main hall a glamerous teenage dream paradise. While Yeji and J-hope are sorting out the tables, RHuyujin and Yuna are handing out invitations and Chaeryoung and Lia are handling the music and drinks and food. 

Then all of sudden, Chaeryoung came over to the hall in a right panic. 

"Guys, we have a problem." Cjaeryoung replied. 

"What's wrong, Chaeryoung?" He asked. 

"Our DJ is sick with the flu. He can't perform on Friday night." Chaeryoung replied.c

 "WHAT?!" The two chorused. 

"What are we going to do? We need some music otherwise no one can dance the night away." He said. 

"Let's think, everyone." Yeji replied. 

The trio thought and thought until Yeji has an idea. 

"I know! Why don't we get Chan to DJ for us?" Yeji asked. 

"Wait, Chan can DJ?" He asked. 

"Yeah, I've caught him mixing turntables the other day and he really knows how to turn up some jams!" Yeji replied. 

"Now that you think about it, he always says that he wanted to DJ for a prom one day. I don't see why not!" Chaeryoung replied. 

"Crisis averted! Good job, girls!" He cheered. 

In the meantime, the invitation duo is handing out everyone some invitations throughout the school when Huening kai and Beomgyu came over to them. 

"Awww, there's my lovely boyfriend." Yuna replied. 

Huening kai blushed as he kissed Yuna on the lips while Beomgyu and Ryujin blushed from looking at each other. 

"Huening, have you asked her out to prom?" Ryujin asked. 

"Yeah, I have. I did it last week when we are chilling at my house." Huening kai responded, "And I believe Beomgyu has something to say to you." 

Beomgyu looked down on the floor as Ryujin looked curiously at him. Beomgyu looked over to his side and he gave a gentle nod saying 'Go on, you can do it.' Beomgyu let out a breath before he looked up to her. 

"Okay..... Ryujin...... will you be my date to the prom?!" Beomgyu pulled out a corset for her. 

Ryujin gasped and jumped excitedly. 

"Yes, yes. Of course I do!" Ryujin cheered. 

Beomgyu's eyes lit up as he put the corset on her hand. As they both hugged each other, Huening kai and Yuna looked at the two and smiled, feeling absoutely happy for them. 

It's offically prom night and Yeji is just putting on her earrings. It wasn't soon that Hyunjin has stepped into her room.

"Wow, you look absoutely gorgeous." Hyunjin replied. 

"Thank you, and you look super handsome. I'm sure Minju is going to explode of how fine you look." She winked. 

"And Yeonjun's jaw will drop to the floor when he sees you." He giggled. 

"I can imagine that already!" She laughed. 

Then they heard a sudden beep. They looked over to the window and saw that it's a limosuene. 

"Oh my gosh, no way." He said. 

"There's no way that can be for us." She said in disbelief. 

They quickly headed downstairs in a hurry before she opened the door and there stood Yeonjun in red tuxedo and Minju in shimmery saffron dress. It's needless to say that all four of them have exploded over how hot everyone looked. 

"Wow, you guys look amazing!" Minju replied. 

"Whoever thought that the Hwang family have some good taste?" Yeonjun asked. 

The two laughed in unison. 

"You guys dazzling too." Hyunjin replied. 

"Yeah, like you guys are made for this moment. Heck, you even got us a limo!" Yeji replied.

"Hey, you know what they say, the best deserves the best. And we're going to own this prom in style! Without a doubt!" Yeonjun cheered. 

"Yeah, so shall we have the best night ever?" Minju asked. 

"Indeed, we shall." Yeji smiled. 

At the school, the prom so far is successful! Everyone is having a great time. They're either taking photos, having something to drink or eat, waiting for their dates to show up or are out on the dancefloor. 

As J-hope is sitting on the table, ITZY came over to him and hugged him. 

"Hey, J-hope! You look stunning!" Yuna replied. 

"Thanks! All of you girls look incredible too!" J-hope smirked. 

"How come you're sitting by the tables?" Ryujin asked. 

"Wait, don't you have a date to spend this magical night?" Lia asked. 

"Yeah, she's coming in right about now." He said. 

And then, they all looked to see the door opening to see a girl in a green wavy dress a matching purse to go with it. The girls looked at each other as he got up and he looked at her smiling. 

"Girls, this is my date, Brianna. Brianna, this is my squad, ITZY. Yeji, Lia, Ryujin, Chaeryoung & Yuna." He introduced. 

"Wow, it's great to meet you girls. You all look really incredble." Brianna replied. 

"So do you, you look like a queen." Yuna smiled. 

Then all of a sudden, the bops came to an end and it's time for the slow dancing for all the couples. The couples started moving super slowly to the music. 

"Well, I'll guess I'll see you girls later. Come on, Bri." He took her hand. 

As ITZY looked at the couple in all smiles, they heard a familar voice. 


They all turned around to see TXT standing behind them. 

"Shall we have this dance?" Huneing kai beamed as he handed her a hand. 

The rest of the boys followed suit to them as the girls looked at each other and giggled. 

"We thought that you never asked." Yuna took his hand. 

The girls took the hands too and they all went to the dancefloor and started swaying back and forth to the music. 


A/N: I can already imagine this in my head..... so cute.....

See you next time!!!!



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