Get sexy - LOONA Olivia Hye Pt 2

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A/N: So I have great news and bad news. Good neas is that my birthday had passed and it was so much fun just being by myself and I/ I know it might sound desperate, but at least we're going out tomorrow apparetnly for a late birthday meal. 

Anyway, the bad news is that I keep getting triple time of months and most of the time, nothing just comes out and I don't know what to do. Something is making me stress, but I don't know what it is and if I don't get it sorted out soon, then this is defintely going to grieve me in the long run. 

But with that said, let's get this party started. 


Jongho was indeed entranced by Olivia's prescence and moves. It's like everything she does from the way she works the pole to how she whips her hair around, it's so additcting. Now he understands why loads of people are always whipped for her. 

Little did she know that as many people they are tonight, she can't help but to feel a magnetic pull towards him. From the way he looks to the way he was postured. 

Hmmm..... he looks cute in a way. 

After doing her show, she winked over to the man before disapperaing in a puff of smoke. 

Huh? Where did she go? 

Gorilla, Gorilla? 


Gorilla? Are you with us? 

Oh yeah.... um..... I'll have to call you back though.....

Why? What's------

Jongho turned off his earpierce as he smiled, just thinking about her. 

"Excuse me, sir? Olivia wants to speak to you." 

He pointed himself and mouthed 'me?' and the man nodded before standing up to follow the man. 

As they got backstage, everything was all lacy with silky like red velvet. It's like he's entered a whole new world that's made for him. He never wanted to leave, nor does he think that this is a good idea. 

"Tbis is her dressing room, have fun in there." 

The an said it with a smirk as he nodded in return before he entered. As he knocked, he can see Olivia smirking herself. 

"So.... I'm guessing this is your first time here?" She asked. 

"You could say that.... I don't want any trouble though.... I only just want to ask a couple of questions." He replied. 

"Hmm..... I perfer doing than talking. Cause..... I might not look like it, but I've seen the way how much yiu enjoyed it for the first time. I've invited men here before, but never someone like you before." She said, tracing his outline.

"Yeah?" He asked. 

"Oh yeah, baby." She replied. 

She walked closer and closer to him before pushing him up against the wall. 

This girl knows what she's doing. 

"How about I give you a private show? Just between me and you." She suggested. 

"Umm..... okay...." He replied. 

She smiled and started to move her body to the beat of the music. 

Don't speak, no, don't try
It's been a secret for the longest time
Don't run, huh, no don't hide
Been running from it for the longest time

So many mornings I woke up confused
In my dreams, I do anything I want to you
My emotions are naked, they're taking me out of my mind

Right now I'm shameless
Screaming my lungs out for ya
Not afraid to face it
I need you more than I want to
Need you more than I want to
Show me you're shameless
Write it on my neck, why don't ya?
And I won't erase it
I need you more than I want to
Need you more than I want to

(No uh, no uh, don't wanna do this now)
(No uh, no uh, don't wanna do this now)
(No uh, no uh, don't wanna do this now)
(No uh, no uh, don't wanna do this now)

It's all there, now it's real
Now that you have me, do you want me still?
My kisses are history they go back a long time
Uh, and I'm tired of loving
Somebody that's not mine

So many mornings I woke up confused
In my dreams, I do anything I want to you
My emotions are naked, they're taking me out of my mind

Right now I'm shameless
Screaming my lungs out for ya
Not afraid to face it
I need you more than I want to
Need you more than I want to
Show me you're shameless
Write it on my neck, why don't ya?
And I won't erase it
I need you more than I want to
Need you more than I want to

(No uh, no uh, don't wanna do this now)
(No uh, no uh, don't wanna do this now)
(No uh, no uh, don't wanna do this now)
(No uh, no uh, don't wanna do this now)

Distance, inches in between us
I want you to give in
I want you to give in
Weakness, tension in between us
I just wanna give in
And I don't care if I'm forgiven

Right now I'm shameless
Screaming my lungs out for ya
Not afraid to face it
I need you more than I want to
Need you more than I want to
Show me you're shameless
Write it on my neck, why don't ya?
And I won't erase it
I need you more than I want to
Need you more than I want to

(No uh, no uh, don't wanna do this now)
(No uh, no uh, don't wanna do this now)
(No uh, no uh, don't wanna do this now)
(No uh, no uh, don't wanna do this now)

Meanwhile, Seonghwa was tryign  his best to get in contact with Jongho, but it was just not working. 

"Oh no.... Olivia must have hypnotized her." Hongjoong replied. 

"What are we going to do?" Wooyoung asked. 

"What we always do. Fight back and take back on what's ours." Hongjoong replied. 

"But Olivia is very dangerous. It won't be soon until we're al under her spell." Yeosang replied. 

"Then there's only one thing we can do." Yunho said. 

As we were having some dinner at a local pizza parlour, I looked over to see that our boss is calling me through my watch. 

Girls, head over to the hideout immediately. Someone needs our help.

We looked at each other on wondering who needs our help confusedly. 


A/N: Hmm...... this looks supicious. I think we're going to get a showdown at any given moment tomorrow. 

In the meantime, see you next time!!!



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