Meet me after class - MONSTA X Shownu

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A/N: So we're offically in Fall and the best part is that my birthday is only 2-3 weeks away! I can't wait to start, it's going to be so damn cool! I#m going to be 21 years old! YOU HEAR THAT! 21!!!!!!!

Anyway, let's get on with the story!!!!!


The bell has rang signaling that it's the end of the school day. Everyone was about to get up and go home, but that wasn't only that Mr. S has suddenly stopped me. 

(A/N: Wow...... just wow.....)

"Can I have a word with you?" He asked

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"Can I have a word with you?" He asked. 

I looked over to Somi and then she just shrugged back. 

"Um, am I in trouble?" I asked. 

"No, I just need a favour to ask you." He said. 

"I'll see you soon then, okay?" She asked. 

I nodded and as Somi headed out, I walked over to the front desk, wondering what Mr S wants. 

"So, what#s the favour?" I asked. 

"Well, I justwant to say how much I'm impressed by your work so far. You keep it up and you'll pass those tests blindfolded." He joked, making me laugh, "And um..... can you meet me after school tomorrow in my office?" 

"Um.... okay." I said. 

"Alright, you're well dismissed. Keep up the good work." He said. 

I thanked him and headed out the classroom, shutting the door behind me. As I looked back, I saw him writing down some things on a paper.

God, he's so damn good looking.  

The next day at lunch, I told Somi about what happened yesterday. 

"I wonder what he meant by that." She said. 

"Me too, and he sounded very serious with a hint of hesitation too. Whatever it could be music be like super important." I said, "Also, you shpuld have seen how sophiscated he looks when I turned back at him. The glasses totally made things more unique." 

"Wait, wait, wait. Do you have like, a crush on our teacher?" She asked. 

"No, that's silly! Even though I do kind of have some dreams about him and I sometimes daydream about him and even want to make love in the office but----" 

"Oh my god! You acrtually do----" 

I covered her mouth in hopes of not blabbing out to everyone. 

"Don't freak out, okay?! Keep it down!" I said. 

"Sorry, but..... girl! A teacher and a student becoming a a couple? That's the most craziest and sweetest thing that I ever heard!" She exclaimed. 

"I know it might seem crazy, but he really is like..... I just wish we can be more than that. And I feel like he feels the same too." I said. 

"You think so?" She asked. 

"I know so." I said. 

"Well, I won't stop you there then. But you have to be careful and secretive because we don't want Mr S. fired. He's the best teacher on earth and it won't be the same if he's not here." She replied. 

"I know...." I looked at Mr S. coming out of the teacher lounge. 

I waved at him as he waved back with all smiles. 

After school has arrived and I headed over to Mr. S's office as I promised. He saw mw and smiled as I sat in the chair that's right in front of him. 

"So..... um..... you're wondering why I called you here. I've called you because...." He said, "I'm in love with you and I want to be with you. I don't care if we're a teacher and a student, those are just ;abels that define us as long as we're in school. Everytime that I see you crying, I just want to embrace you and whenever you smile or laugh, it makes me all giddy and happy." He said. 

I couldn't believe a thing he's saying to me right now. I instantly smiled as I blushed down my school dress. 

"Sir..... I love you too." I confessed. 

He smiled back and then I got up fropm my seat and started kissing on his lips. He followed suit as I sat on his lap. The kiss was so intimate, so passionate, it was the moment that we've both been waiting for. 

Most girls will say that this is son wrong, I'm making out with someone who has a higher authorty. While others don't give a damn about that since just like what sir said, teacher and student are just labels as long as they're own school grounds. 

I travelled down his neck and sucked on the skin, leaving a few small hickeys on his neck. 

"You sure you want to do this?" He asked.

"I'm more sure than anything, sir." I said. 

I took off my shoes and then my socks and then finally, he helped me took off my school dress revealing nothing by my panties. He looked at me in awe and in lust. 

"Oh god..... look at you." He smirked. 

"Yeah, you like that?" I asked. 

He licked his lips in return and then placed my hand to where his bulging member is. 

"You tell me, sweetie pie." He said. 

"Sweetie pie, that's my new nickname now?" I asked.

"Yeah, because you're the sweetest pie there ever is. If you'll let me taste it, of course." He replied.  

I smirked as I looked down at him. I took off my bra and placed it by the side as he carefully put me on top of the desk, knocking all the stuff on it. 

The next day, I was a straight up racket as I trodged onto the pavement. I've seen the bus and I paid for my ticket as usual before going over to Somi. 

"Oh my gosh, look at you. You look all ragged." She said. 

"I know...." I said. 

"Are you okay? Wait a minute....." She peeled to see my neck collarbone. 

She gasped and looked over to the window before looking at me, wondering if the whole thing is even real or not. 

"It's true. We're offcially a couple." I smiled. 

We both squealed, can't contain our excitement anymore. 



Now for a surprise for Monbebe, our boys hve come back from LOVE! 


See you next time!!!!



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