As I get engulfed in my thoughts, I feel someone's presence approaching so I take a look and see Inukimi, talking with someone. As a reflex action, I slip behind a huge pillar to avoid her. Damn it, how can I face her after what Athanasia said? 

I watch her figure get further and further away. I can finally breathe. Gosh, I thought I might get a heart attack. However, the moment I turn to go in the other direction, I find her standing in front of me with her hand resting on her waist.

She leans towards me and slyly asks, "Why are you hiding from me?"

I nearly scream at her unexpected appearance, and I quickly avoid eye contact then answer, "Athanasia told me what she did." After hearing no reply from her, I turn in her direction without making eye contact and bow while proceeding, "I'm really sorry for saying that. Nothing of what Athanasia said was true."

"What part exactly wasn't true?" She asks, and I start to panic because now I have to lie without getting caught. "Zuri, you don't have to lie to me," Her voice unexpectedly softens with those words so I gather up my courage and raise my head to look at her.

I follow her to the library, and she halts in the middle then looks up at the high ceiling while saying, "She said this room is filled with magic, Anubis's magic. On that ceiling, She created Anubis's illustration and ever since his magic continued to bloom in the form of his Kin's illustrations. I'm not sure what kind of deity Athanasia is, but I'm sure she is unable to lie. She probably chose to be the one to tell me the truth since she knew you're always anxious about it."

I hear every word she says and get amazed by the love and understanding she is emitting. If she knew how everyone in the future hates her, she'd probably be sad, but then again she might pretend like she doesn't care. 

"I'm not sure how someone in the future knew all those details about your life, but I'm sure when I go back, I will have it as my goal to find the answer," I reassure her, but she just giggles at probably how naive I am.

It takes us a few more minutes to chat, and she excuses herself for some important meeting. Didn't know she was that involved in the country's affairs. Izayoi is surely doing nothing but look after Inuyasha, who is currently unable to sleep anywhere else other than by my side. I sigh in defeat at the thought and head back to my room to fetch something to eat since all that stress took so much of my energy. I definitely need to recharge. 

The day just started.  

I halt as I get alerted by the absence of both my guards and for some reason, the door is slightly open. This isn't the kind of movie with a thief inside my room, right? Come on, it's Inu no Taisho's palace. 

I carefully peek inside my room and see Sesshomaru there in front of my balcony with his eyes enjoying something. I sigh in relief and close the door. I'm pretty sure he felt my presence but is acting otherwise. "I see, you used the door this time," I comment, but he doesn't reply so I keep the conversation, "And you seem like you dismissed the guards on your own accord."

"Anubis mentioned your souls are merging. So what happens then?" He asks, but I don't answer because he seems like he still has more to say, and I have no answer for it. "Do you become completely Zuri or Athanasia?" He continues to blurt out his thoughts, and I just stand there dumbfounded.

"I don't know the answer to that too, but I can ask the Coven sisters on my next visit," I say, and he finally turns to look at me. "Your father told me to find answers," I elaborate.

He frowns and takes a few threatening steps towards me while saying, "If they don't know of a solution to make you the one in control, I will eliminate them no matter the consequences."

What's wrong with him?

"You are starting to scare me. I know the difference between the times when you are truly angry and the times when you are pretending to be. Now you look furious, and I'm not sure why. Did I make a mistake?" I firmly ask, but I see him bite his lips harshly to the point of bleeding.

His anger is serious, but it seems like it's not directed at me-

"She kissed him." 


Hmm, so I'm going to put this dress as a reference for you to picture how Zuri/Athanasia is dressing from here onwards.

Hmm, so I'm going to put this dress as a reference for you to picture how Zuri/Athanasia is dressing from here onwards

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Ah, don't ignore the special chapter. It will affect your reading experience of the future chapters, so make sure to get popcorn and enjoy it.

Also, sorry about the last line. You'll get to understand everything. Don't get mad. 👁️👁️

See you later 🍬

-👑 Noorie.

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