[036] It's Mine 3

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Perhaps it was due to the chilly atmosphere in the house caused by Grandfather's outburst during breakfast, but everyone seemed to be trying to match Grandfather's mood.

Father and Mother, the key players in this situation, used the excuse of checking the box office results to leave as soon as the meal was over. Eldest Brother claimed he had some urgent work to attend to, and he left before anyone else.

To thwart Grandfather's plan, I needed to know all the details of that plan.

A report I glimpsed briefly on the desk in his study kept catching my eye. That report seemed to outline a plan that would swallow Ajin Motors for sure.

Looking at the table of contents, I felt a bit baffled, and as I turned the pages, I understood why.

I had completely misinterpreted this report.

It wasn't a strategy report for Ajin Motors' acquisition by Sunyang; it was a report on the necessity of consolidating the automobile industry, government policies related to it, and support measures. In other words, it documented the legitimacy and rationale for Sunyang's absorption of Ajin Motors. If the government announced this report as policy, Ajin Motors would be incorporated into the Sunyang Group.

If Daehyun Motors absorbed Ajin, there would be concerns about monopolizing the automobile market, and since Wooseong Motors has a significant stake from GM, there would be impressions of handing over to foreign car companies.

Ultimately, the story was that Sunyang Motors was the most suitable acquirer.

Once again, I was amazed by the power of conglomerates, Sunyang in particular.

Conglomerates create the policies they desire, present them to the government, and then the government puts those policies into action. Finally, it all ends with lawmakers in the legislature doing their dutiful role.

It's possible to swallow an entire healthy company like this without even peeling off the skin.

This report was evidence of the covert collusion between Sunyang Group and the government.

If this were to leak, it would become a political scandal involving improper connections between business and politics.

Damn it.

The impact is too significant. I don't care about the current administration's consequences, but Sunyang's consequences must not happen.

Is there any way to not send Grandfather to the prosecutors' office in a wheelchair?

I need to find something that can turn the situation around right now.

I picked up the weekly information report placed on one side of the desk.

Occasionally, when Grandfather wasn't around in the study, I would sneak a peek.

So far, there hadn't been any information that was particularly useful to me. I only briefly looked at it for entertainment purposes, like investigating celebrity scandals.

This report, however, was similar in nature to stock market rumors or X-files, with nothing of practical value to me.

This report encompasses all information related to politics, economy, society, and the entertainment industry. However, the quantity, depth, and reliability of information are beyond comparison with rumors and X-files.

The information provided by various sources from different fields was meticulously verified by the Information Team of the Sunyang Group.

I found nothing useful and passed the file.

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