Part 55

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Jake half rolls his eyes with a sigh, and continues prepping. He's heard this question a million times.

Neytiri- All he has ever longed for is to be the warrior you trained him to be. Now you tell him he isn't one at all, after training as one his whole life.

Jake- Neteyam is a great warrior.

His words shock Neytiri, but she doesn't speak, she listens intently.

Jake- No doubt about it, that boy is one of the best warriors I've ever fought with . . . But that's exactly why he shouldn't be one now.

Neytiri places herself next to Jake, with a hand on his arm. He looks down at her understanding expression that's just waiting for him to voice his whole concern.

Jake- Warriors are tough, but borderline suicidal. They give their everything, fighting for what they have to protect, including their own lives. And even though he's injured, I know damn sure Neteyam would still do the same.

Neytiri- Ma'Jake.

She places a hand on Jake's cheek and caresses it.

Jake- I don't want him to die like that, Neytiri. I couldn't live with myself if I let him get killed.

Neytiri- Then tell him that. He will understand.

Jake- I don't think he would.

Neytiri- You doubt his understanding.

Jake- I've never been able to stop him from putting everyone else first. He'll never willingly sit back and let others handle things when he knows he could be doing something, anything to help.

Neytiri- Is that so bad?

Jake- It is when he could die because of it.

Neytiri- Forcing him out with no explanation like this isn't the way to handle him. Talk to him.

Jake- (sighs) Later. We have an ambush to do.

While Neytiri and Jake head back to the beach, armed and ready, Lo'ak, Neteyam, and Rotxo are hiding nearby. In the waist deep, shallow water, behind a large rock, the boys wait for the warriors to set out so they can follow behind.

Rotxo keeps an eye on the warriors, while Neteyam and Lo'ak pet their Ilu in wait.

Neteyam- You know he's gonna kill you when he finds out we followed them.

Lo'ak- I'm fine with that, as long as you're still alive to see it.

Neteyam- Don't worry, I'll be fine as long as you have my back.

Lo'ak- Always, bro.

Mune Olo'eyktan [Neteyam x Aonung]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя