I see Toga fly off in the opposite direction, so I ask Sesshomaru, "Are you sure you don't need to follow your father?"

"I despise humans," He coldly answers.

"I am human," I remind him, but he doesn't reply to that and stays silent.  

Does he-

Suddenly, I feel the air thinning. I widen my eyes in horror as a huge cloud hovers over our heads, making us halt and look up. The cloud's silhouette looks a lot like Ryukotsusei. Fear strikes me as I look back at the palace, where Ryukotsusei is aiming. Lady Inukimi is there; I'm sure she won't step outside her home.

"We need to go back," I announce as my grip tightens on Ah-Un. There is no time to have a conversation with Sesshomaru, convincing him of how dire this situation is. I have to do this myself at least until Inu no Taisho comes back. 

I pull Ah-Un to follow Ryukotsusei into the clouds. "Ryukotsusei," I yell out his name at the top of my lungs. Breathing is extremely hard for me now so I hope for reinforcements to come here as soon as possible. Thankfully for those in the palace, Ryukotsusei halts and turns to look at me. Every inch of my body shivers upon making eye contact with him. This demon is truly powerful and terrifying not to mention huge compared to me.

"You-" Ryukotsusei says in his deep voice, sending more shivers down my spine. "I remember you. You helped that bastard in sealing me," he proceeds, making me gulp.

"Y-Yes, I did. So what are you going to do about it?" I bluff. What in the world am I doing?  He can fucking kill me with his mere gaze. How the hell do I get myself out of this situation?

"I will kill you after I make sure I shred Inu no Taisho into pieces," He says and slowly turns to continue on his crusade of ending Toga's life.

"He isn't in the palace," I announce to Ryukotsusei, knowing how stupid of an idea that is. "You can go back to your valley, and I will make sure to send him to you," I somehow bravely continue which again isn't the best idea because now Ryukotsusei is truly angry. He releases a lot of Mayazma out of his body merging it with the air to threaten me, but for some reason, I already know that Mayazma doesn't work on me.

"You are going to regret this, human," Ryukotsusei angrily says, gathering a blast of energy through his mouth. 

I want to say my life flashed through my eyes, but I really have no clue what happened. All I can remember is feeling Sesshomaru grab me from above Ah-Un and fly away to place me on the ground, not to mention the angry expression he held towards me before flying off towards Ryukotsusei. 

Sesshomaru is defenceless, what does he think he can do against that powerful demon? Poison won't work on Ryukotsusei and turning full demon will only hinder him. If only I were of some help, it would be great, but I'm a useless human who only knows how to whine and cause more trouble to Inu no Taisho and his family.

'Want me to help?'

An unexpected voice echoes in my head, making me turn around to see who might be the source of that sound, but I find no one other than me and Ah-Un. 

"Show yourself," I order and instantly get engulfed in darkness. I stumble forward and try to stop myself from falling, only to see someone in front of me. I look up to see the person in front of me eye to eye, but that's when everything goes down hell. 

Ground long purple hair, piercing purple eyes, fair skin with no flow, bare scar-free feet and a slightly see-through golden dress. 

She looks like a- 

"Goddess!" She continues my thoughts. She sighs and runs her long purple-painted nails through her loose hair strands while proceeding to sassily say, "I can read your thoughts, and to ease your doubts, yes I am a Goddess; of immortality to be precise."

I try to utter words but every letter gets stuck in my throat out of shock so I take a moment to swallow my anxiety. "So I have multiple personality disorder," I say in hesitation.

"You have multiple souls disorder even though your science didn't reach that type of advancement because no one has it other than you, my dear Zuri," she elaborates and lazily yawns.

I'm confused. How is she so laid back like that? If she is another soul in my body then she must be aware of what is happening outside. I know I should be panicking right now, but what is going on the outside is way more severe. 

"So," She suddenly utters, stopping my useless thoughts, and her whole aura immediately changes from that uncaring-sassy one to a dangerous one. 

"Do you want my help or not?"



To be honest, I love this chapter so much. I struggled a lot while writing it, and I'm super satisfied with the end process, so I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Also, I'm still not home, yet 😅

See you later 🍬

-👑 Noorie.

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