Chapter Seventy-Six: Cruella and The Author

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"I think you're right." I nodded. "Someone is definitely in there." Then I reached into the mirror and grabbed the person and pulled him out. He was on all fours on the ground, trying to ground himself before looking up at us.

"Who are you people?" The author asked.

"Are you the author?" Henry asked him.

"Yeah, but you can call me Issac." He said, slowly getting up. "Thank you for freeing me." He looked at me.

"I did it for Regina." I admitted, "not for you."

"You're a goddess aren't you?" He asked me.

"Are we sure we need him, Hen?" I asked him.

"Yeah, we do." Henry looked at me.

"Damn it." I cursed.

"It was the Fates that imprisoned me." He looked at me.

"For a good reason." I looked at him. "You were trying to change the past."


Sorry for the late update. This year has been hell. I had brain surgery. 4 of them and then my dad left my mom while i was in the ER for heart stuff. So the past month and a half we've been living with my grandparents and my dad disowned me. If i have to go on break again because we are moving i will let you know.

Thank you for understanding

"Oh like you actually care about that." The author looked at me. "Like you wouldn't do the same thing Melinoe."

"How do you know who I am?" I asked him.

"Everyone knows the woman who rebelled against Zeus and lost cause daddy turned you in." He mocked me. Then I couldn't control myself and my fist collided with his jaw, knocking him out.

"You're lucky, not everyone can get knocked out by a goddess." I chuckled. "I mean he's right but he still pissed me off."

"Well, I'm proud that you didn't kill him." Peter sighed.

"We should take him to the Sheriff's office and keep him locked up and away from anything he can write with." I told them.

"That I can agree with." Regina nodded in agreement.

We then loaded him into the trunk of the Sheriff's car before heading to the Sheriff's office.


We left him in one of the cells. "Next time, Bex, wait until he is in the car to knock him out." Emma sighed.

"How do you know he was even going to get in the car?" I asked her. "Plus we used magic to get him in the car and in here." I leaned on one of the few desks that were in the office.

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