Chapter Fifteen: Jefferson

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"I know Mr. Gold doesn't want us to talk, but I thought, you should hear this from me. The test results came back on the heart and the DNA was a match for Kathryn. She is dead. I'm sorry - for a lot of things. But, now that we have proof of the death, we have enough evidence to move forward with a case against you. It's going to happen. You know I do believe you, right? All this evidence tells me one thing for certain. That you are being framed. And I think Regina is behind it." The Sheriff explained.

"Then why am I still in here? Why don't you confront her?" She questioned.

"Because she has no proof, just a feeling." I told the teacher, while looking at Emma.

"But you just said-"

"If I don't do this right, things will end up worse for you. Every time I've gone up against Regina, she's seen it coming, and I've lost." Emma interrupted her.

"So what makes this time any different?"

"Because she doesn't know I suspect anything." Emma smirked. They continued to talk while I sat there, worried about the whole thing.


I was with Emma and Gold on their way into the station with Mary Margaret's breakfast when Henry came running up to us. "Henry? What are you doing here?" Emma questioned him.

"I came to congratulate you." He smiled.

"For what?"

"Your genius plan." He hinted.

"And what plan's that, Henry?" Gold questioned and Henry looked away awkwardly. "Right." Then he walks away.

"Sorry, I thought Mr. Gold was in on it now that he's Miss Blanchard's lawyer." He apologized.

"In on what, Hen?" I questioned.

"The escape plan."

"The what?" Emma and I said at the same time. That's when we heard Gold say something.

"Sheriff, could you join me, please?" Gold requested so we walked up to him to the cells. "She's gone."

"Henry, what did you do?" The Sheriff asked her son.

"Nothing. She was gone when I got here." He said with his hands up in a defensive manner.

"Her arraignment is tomorrow. If she's not there-" Gold began but Emma interrupted him.

"She's a fugitive. Doesn't matter if she's convicted for Kathryn or not, she's screwed. I have to go find her before someone notices she's missing." She sighed.

"You mean Regina?" I sighed.

"The arraignment is at 8:00 A.M. I'm sure she'll be here bright and early to celebrate her victory." Emma noted.

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