Chapter Thirty: The Return

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"Are you sure about this?" David asked Henry.

"I was born to do this. I'm done reading about heroes. I wanna be one." Henry nodded.

"Sometimes being one is knowing when not to run into the fire." The prince told his grandson.

"I'll be okay." The boy reassured us all.

"Look, whatever he faces in there, it'll be far less dangerous than what he'll face if we fail." Gold told us.

"I can do this." The boy said once again.

"Welp, get on with it." I said, then getting up from the side of the cot.


"Shadow. I need you to keep an eye on Zelena." I ordered them.

"And if she catches me?" The shadow asked.

"Then you know what to do." I nodded, "Now go." Then it left.


With Henry asleep, with a message to give to Aurora all we could do now was wait for Henry to wake up and tell us what had happened but suddenly he woke up. "Henry. Everything all right?" David asked before I could get the chance to.

"Did you see her? Did you tell her?" Gold asked.

"No, I didn't get the chance. Something... something happened. She got sucked outta there." Henry told us before he winced in pain and Regina and I immediately looked at his arm to see burns.

"He's not going in there again." I said. "This is a pretty bad burn, we can't risk him getting hurt."

"For once, I agree with the goddess." Regina sighed. I quickly healed Henry's arm. "What even caused this?"

"When you venture deeper into the Netherworld instead of away, there are risks. Someone woke Aurora before her soul was ready to return. The violence of that act tore her away and injured Henry. We're lucky it wasn't worse." Gold explained. "We need to send him back when he is healed."

"No, Gold." I told him. "He is not going back there and that is final or I will make sure when you die, you go to the last place you want to be." Gold gulped before saying something.

"I understand your concern for the boy, but I know Cora. Without our help, Snow and Emma will soon be dead. And then a true monster will be on her way to Storybrooke." Gold told me.

"I have dealt with my fair share of monsters, Gold. Don't forget who you're talking to." I hissed, "Hell, Regina doesn't even remember me robbing her in the Enchanted Forest."

"That was you?!" Regina said in shock.

"When I last met Cora my powers weren't as refined as they are now." I told them, ignoring Regina's statement. "Plus even if we allowed Henry to go back there, Aurora is gone, so what would be the point?"

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