Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Wolf and The DA

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"You can call me whatever you want, as long as you let me buy you a drink after your shift. I already know Ruby. I want the chance to meet Red." He flirted.

"Um... Tonight is not a good night because..." She began but Belle and I jumped in.

"We are having a girl's night." I smiled.

"That's right, um... It's girls' night. I'm bringing the cheese. Which has nothing to do with you being a mouse. It has to do with the... wine." Ruby stumbled around her words.

"Okay... maybe next time." He nodded before leaving.

"Thank you." Ruby sighed.

"He... He seems really nice." Belle told her.

"I know, it's just... complicated." She said, looking up at us.


"Why are you lying to us about how dangerous Zelena is?" Robin asked me.

"She won't be a problem until she finds a way to get revenge on Regina." I explained, "But you have to understand why I am scared of her. For the beginning of my life I was trapped in a room and neglected. The only time she would talk to me was when I was either in trouble or she needed to rant about something. She emotionally abused me for her own gain. So yes, hearing from her shook me to my core."


Ruby enlisted me to help her with something, little did I know it was cleaning Granny's restaurant freezer. "Rube, why are we cleaning out the freezer?" I wondered.

"Bex, it's going to be a cage for me." She answered with a sigh. "I'm a werewolf and I haven't transformed in twenty-eight years. I used to have control of it but I don't know how this will work or if I will have control of it."

"Okay, then tell me what to do." I sighed, happy to help the two.

"Start cleaning out lasagnas in the freezer." Granny told me. David came to check on what was going on and Ruby explained what was happening. The four of us were nervous about what would happen tonight. When we locked Ruby in the freezer all we could do was leave her alone and go to bed and wait to see what happens.

When I went back to the apartment, I couldn't go to sleep. I spent the night worrying about Ruby but something happened, there was a shift during the middle of the night.

Someone died.

With the threat of my mother still lurking, I was on defense. I wanted to be able to protect the Merry men from her but we had priorities to worry about. We were going to rob the evil queen's carriage. The Evil queen wasn't going to be there but her treasures were and we were going to sell them to help the Friar make repairs on the church.

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