Chapter Fourteen: Evidence

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"How does a big bad death type goddess, daughter of Hades, end up in the enchanted forest just in line for my curse?" She asked me.

"That's a long story." I shrugged. "But I was there looking for a way back to my true love." Then my phone rang. It was Emma. "I have to answer this." I put the phone up to my ear and answered, "Hello."

"Hey Bex." Emma greeted, "Ruby found a heart in a box. There were fingerprints on the lid of it."

"Did they come up with a match?"

"Mary Margaret." She sighed.

"Okay. Thanks for letting me know." I said looking at Regina. Then I hung up. "So you're going to frame Mary Margaret."

"You don't have any evidence to back up that claim."

"Oh I know but your denial is all the proof I need for myself." I shrugged.


"I can't believe you have to arrest her." I told Emma, sitting in one of the chairs with my feet on one of the desks.

"Please turn to the right." Emma told Mary Margaret. "I know but with all the evidence, I can't play favorites."

"Which points to me? Emma, yesterday it was David. There's something not right here." Mary Margaret questioned.

"I know, but your fingerprints were on that box, and his are not... so now we have to deal with... this." The sheriff sighed.

"Evidence that says I cut out Kathryn's heart and buried it in the woods? This is insane." The school teacher told her.

"If I don't book you, with all this evidence, it's gonna look like favoritism. And then Regina will have cause and she will fire me, and then you know what she'll do? She'll bring in someone who will railroad you. So please, just try to be patient and trust me. We can't even move forward till we verify the heart belonged to Kathryn, and I am still waiting for the DNA test results. But in the meantime, you need to bear with me. I have to ask you a few questions." She explained.

"This is crazy. I would never hurt anyone."

"Everyone in this room knows you wouldn't hurt anyone, Mary Margaret but Regina doesn't see it that way." I sighed.

"And it looks like your intuition wasn't right this time, Bex. She's dead." The Sheriff looked at me.

I couldn't believe it. As we were on the Jolly Rodger there were way more spirits than there were on the island, connected to the lost boys but there was one standing at the Helm of the ship, looking over the crew, but looking at Hook in a protective manner. I assumed it was the previous captain of the Jolly Rodger, Hook's brother. Peter had told me all about it. How they came for dreamshade but it went the wrong way. He drank the water from the spring and didn't stay on Neverland.

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