Chapter Fifty-Two: Ghost of the Past

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Mel's POV......................

The Enchanted Forest......

"There are tunnels that run beneath the castle." Regina informed me, "They may run beneath the spell."

"Which means we can sneak an army inside." David interveened.

"No, Zelena would notice an army." I told him, "That's why Regina and I are going."

"Then I'm going with you." Peter told me.

"Peter..." I sighed, knowing there was no stopping him.

"There is no fighting this, Mel. I'm going." He told me.

"Fine." I sighed, giving up. "Let's just get this over with."


"We lost another one. We're down to five now." The dwarf I learned to be Grumpy or his curse name, Leroy, told us.

"Four, actually. Bashful's not answering." Happy said, looking at a thing in his hands.

"Wait, what's going on?" Emma questioned.

"Thank god you're back, sister." The grumpy dwarf sighed.

"It's not just our memories that are missing. Ever since we woke up, people have begun disappearing, including Bex, Neal and Gold." Snow white told her daughter.

"Whoever cursed us is picking us off, one by one." The dwarf stated.

"We're not sure. There's been a lot of confusion over the past few days. It's been hard to keep track of everyone." David nodded. "Some folks have set up camp in the woods at the edge of town, they might be there."

"Or they may not have got swept up in the curse at all." The pregnant princess tried to reassure us.

"There's only one way we gonna figure all this out. We have to get your memories back." Emma told us.

"Yeah and how are we going to do that?" I rolled my eyes.

"By figuring out who took them in the first place." She looked at me.



Peter's POV...

I sat at the counter of Granny's, looking blankly infront of me. "So you must be Bex's Peter." The waitress said pouring me a cup of coffee, something David introduced me to.

"And you are?" I asked.

"I'm Ruby. Her best friend here in Storybrooke." Ruby smiled. "She told me alot about you and some how she started to remember you through the first curse."

"That's because I reached out." I shrugged.

"Have you seen her at all?" She wondered, her face dropping. "She always comes in for coffee but since we've been back, I haven't heard anything from her."

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