Chapter Forty : Regina

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"What's your plan?" Emma sighed, ignoring Neal.

"She continues to see Greg Mendell and she reports everything back to us. What they're doing, how far they've made it in their plan, everything." I explained. "Most importantly she won't be allowed to hurt anyone."


"Neal, do you remember, on Neverland, when you were on Hook's ship, and the Lost Boys came looking for you?" I asked.

"Does this have to do with that?" Neal questioned. "You weren't even on Neverland for that."

"With what?!" Regina demanded.

"My true love, Peter Pan, believes Henry has the heart of the truest believer." I finally told them.


"I didn't know for sure until talking to Tamara." I admitted. "I mean it certainly makes sense he believes the most out of all of us."

"Why would he want my heart?" Henry asked and I squatted down to his size.

"If it is confirmed and you do meet Peter, Hen, he will pitch you a lie about giving your heart to save Neverland's magic but that's not what it's for. He wants your heart so he can live forever in Neverland." I explained to him, "But you have to listen to me, kid. I promise, I will not let Peter hurt a single hair on your head."

"How do you even know this?" Emma demanded.

"He's been on this hunt since he was banished to Neverland." I informed them, standing back up. "Which is also why he's gone though Lost Boys. They feel abandoned and beg to be taken away from their homes and Peter's shadow takes them and they are checked against the sketch he got from a seer and then they become Lost Boys, which Neal knows."

"What happens if the sketch matches?" Regina asked.

"Well, it hasn't happened yet. So, I don't know." I sighed.

"How does he have people in other worlds?" Mary Margret asked me.

"Shadows can travel through realms." Neal told her. "That's how he does it, at least how he did it with me."

"And you're right Neal but before that he used Pixie dust which is basically Fairy Dust on steroids." I explained. "That's how he got me anyway."

"Why should we even trust you?" Regina questioned. "For all we know this is just a plan to live forever with your boyfriend."

"Fiance but you have every right to question me but I'm also the one person who can go against him and win." I told them, "When Neal needed off the island I was the reason he even got the chance."

"She's right." Neal agreed with me. "Mel is the only person who can go against him and survive. She is his weak spot."

"And I would never let Peter hurt one of my boys and that includes Henry." I swore.

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