Chapter Fifty-Four: Mel

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"Well it sounds like we need to split up." Emma said. "Dad, Peter. You stay here with her. Hook and I will go to the woods and see what we can find."

"I should be out there." David said.

"Look, I'd rather have Peter here just in case she shows up but even though Bex trusted him, we can't say for sure what happened in the past year." the blonde said, then looking at me, "No offence."

"None taken." I nodded understanding her postion on the matter.

"But if anyone can take her it's you." She added. "You've escaped her before, you have fought her before. I have faith that you can do that without killing us all and taking my son's heart."

"I hate her more than I want to live forever. So we're good." I reassured her.


"You had every right to." He looked at me, "Espically after I killed Felix for a stupid curse."

"I'm still pretty angry about that." I admitted, "After he died he came to me and asked one thing out of me." Peter scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, "It was to save you." He looked taken back from my confession. "He didn't care that you killed him, he was more worried about the person you would become after the fact."

"After you were taken, Felix was there for me the most. After I came back, He was the one who forced me out of that treehouse." He addmitted to me.

"He was loyal to you, to both of us." I sighed. "He wouldn't want me to be angry at you for what happened. So, Peter, I forgive you. I love you and I can't imagine my life without you." He smiled smally at me.

"I love you too, Mel." He said before kissing my temple. "So, these new memories?"

"It's alot..." I admitted.

"Well, we have time." He shrugged.

"I was almost married once..." I began and he looked at me shocked. "Thantos. God of Death. It was an arranged marrige but he was in love with my sister, Macaria, the Goddess of blessed death."

"Siblings?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I know, shocking. Just wait till you meet my mother, Persephone." I smiled at him. "The Queen of the Underworld and Goddess of Spring."


One Year Later


Peter's POV...

"So, you're sure Zelena is behind this?" Snow asked me as she sat next to her husband.

"There is no else that I know of that would want to keep Mel under a sleeping curse." I answered her. "Not to mention with the flying monkeys around town it's kinda hard not to put together the pieces."

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