Chapter Five: Family Matters

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"Henry, Let's go." Regina told her son.

"Wait, my backpack." Henry said coming back for it before whispering something to us, "Don't believe them. You're the one he was looking for."


"He was going to the Troll Bridge. It's like the end of the story." The kid told her.

"Henry, he was going there because it's the last thing I read to him." The teacher let out a disappointed sigh.

"No, it's because you belong together." He told her.

"Henry." Regina called once again. Then the Mayor and Henry left but Emma went after them.

"I'm sorry, Mary Margaret." I sighed, putting my hand on her shoulder but there was a shock of electricity, and I took back my hand. "Must be static." I slightly chuckled.


I was looking for Mr. Gold because he said he was on his way home so I went to the shop. When I got there, there was glass on the ground from the door and when I went in Gold was laying on the ground. "Gold!" I said with wide eyes and in a panic. I went to him and checked for a pulse and he was still alive. So I called 911. I stayed with Gold all the way up till he woke up in the hospital. Graham had come to take our statements when he had woken up but Gold dropped any and all charges against the girl.

"I need to get out of here." Gold siad, looking around frustrated.

"You heard what they said, they want to keep you for observation." I looked at him, "What was this girl after anyway? And why did she break in?"

"All you need to know is Ashley and I have a deal, I need you to find her and get whatever she took, back." He looked at me.

"See, this is why people call me your muscle. I'm not doing anything until you tell me what this deal is about." I looked at him, and I looked at him and I knew he was going to tell me.

"Her child... it was agreed upon that I find it a good home. That is all you need to know." He sighed.

"There is something more... I know it." I looked at him, confused. "Why is it there is alway something more in this twisted town? It feels like there is an underlining secret that you and Regina are hiding from the rest of us. This time, no. I won't be your muscle. Find someone else." I then walked out and everyone was staring at me in surprise. "Mind your own goddamn business." I then left the hospital. There was something I had to go do.

"My father, Rumplestilskin." Peter sighed, "The Dark One. He wasn't the Dark One when I was born though." We sat on the edge of the balcony, looking down on the Lost Boys who were getting ready for bed, doing the last of the chores for the night and making one last round around camp. "He was the son of a coward but he was a coward to me the moment he abandoned my mother and I. Keep this between you and I but I didn't bring Baelfire on the island because I suspected he may have the heart of the truest believer. He's my half-brother."

The Mother of Neverland (Peter Pan x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora