Chapter Twenty-One: The Magic Bean

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"How are we going to get them back?"

"We're not." Regina chimed in. "The Enchanted Forest shouldn't even exist right now so how do we know she's not lying?"

"I hate to say it but she has a good point." David sighed, looking at me.

"Because I trust her." Henry admitted.

"So do I." Ruby agreed. "Between Bex and Melinoe I haven't noticed much difference between them and why would she lie, what would she gain from it. All she wants to do is protect Henry or do I have to remind everyone of every single time he ran to her because Regina did something horrible to try and use him against Emma?"

"Thank you." I mouthed to her. Regina looked down in shame, she loved her son and was willing to do anything for him but wasn't willing to share him with anyone else.

"All this fighting should be about trying to get them back, not whether or not we can trust the one person who can." Ruby added.

Then all I saw was black.


When I woke up I was in the cot in the back of Gold's shop. Gold, David, Henry, Regina and someone else who was there was waiting for me to wake up. I sat up, rubbing my face. "I thought you were immortal?" Regina asked me.

"I am." I confirmed. "But I haven't used my powers to that extent for twenty-seven years so it drains my energy. At least the dead aren't hanging on to me right now to get out of the Underworld and haunt people. Once I get used to it again I'll be back to my normal strength."

"So you can't get them back?" David asked me.

"No, I can't. Not now at least. I have to recharge and it's too dangerous. I can't trust my portals." I sighed. "It's good that they even survived being pushed through it."

"And how do you even know that?!" The prince said frustrated.

"David, you have to trust me. How do you think I was able to find you when you were out in the woods?" I questioned. "I could feel your soul. I have that power. I can feel Emma's and Mary Maraget's souls. They are okay and we will find a safe way to get them back home."

David looked at me then down at the ground, "Fine. I'll trust you."

"Trust me, David, she's the best person to have on your side." Gold reassured him.

"Well, now that we have that covered, come on Henry. It's time to go home." Regina said to the child.

"No." Henry said to his adoptive mother.

"What?" The evil queen looked at her son with furrowed eyebrows.

"Ruby was right." The kid said, "This whole time you've been using me against Emma and it hurt. I'm not going home with you."

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